Routine Gynecologic Care

A gynecologic exam may be performed to evaluate a specific problem, or on a routine basis as screening for healthy lifestyles and subclinical disease.

Routine exams are usually recommended annually among women of childbearing years by their healthcare providers.

The amount of detail and the content of the exam will depend on many factors, but may include: Medical History, Physical Exam, Pelvic Exam, Pap Smear, and such other services as Cultures, Rectal, Urine, Wet Mount, Mammogram, Breast Self Exam, Counseling, Plan, and Charting.

For a new patient, your history-taking and physical examination will take longer than for a patient you’ve seen before and know well.

For returning gynecologic patients, your history and physical will likely be more focused.

The Gynecologic Exam

Women's Healthcare in Operational Settings