A patient who has an infected wound may show symptoms at the wound site and also have general symptoms.
Symptoms at the wound site are caused by the inflammation process. The generalized signs and symptoms of infection are the body’s response to infection.
The degree to which a person shows some or all of these symptoms depends greatly on how severe the infection is and how much resistance to infection a person has.
Some signs and symptoms of wound infection are listed below.
a. Signs and symptoms of wound infection at the wound site include the following.
(1) Pain and tenderness.
(2) Redness and swelling.
(3) Increased local temperature.
(4) Formation of pus.
(5) Cellulitis. In this condition, infection spreads through the subcutaneous layer of skin. Signs and symptoms include edema, (fluid retention), erythema (redness), warmth, and local pain.
(6) Lymphangitis/lymphadenitis. This is inflammation of the lymph channels and nodes indicated by red streaks leading away from the wound.
(7) Local infection has a defined area while infection that is spreading is ill defined with obvious involvement to the surrounding area.
b. Involvement of the entire body is evidenced by fever and possible chills.