Be aware of the following when treating a burn patient.
a. Look for associated injuries.
If a patient shows signs of hypovolemia in the early stages after a burn, then the patient has other injuries.
b. Check the eyes and cover them with moist sterile pads.
c. Check pulses of the extremities.
Circumferential burns may act as a tourniquet to block the patient’s circulation.
d. For a patient with third-degree burns covering more than 10 percent of the body (or with extensive burns of varying degrees), start an IV.
Hang Plasmamate® or a similar colloid, if available.
e. DO NOT waste time picking debris off the patient’s skin.
Cover him with a sterile sheet or clean dressings. Areas with equal burn depth should be covered with cold, soaked towels.
f. Remove bracelets, rings, and such since edema will soon follow the burn.
g. Treat associated fractures, lacerations, and other injuries.