Urination Problems
Painful Urination
· Gonorrheal Urethritis · Nongonorrheal Urethritis
· Herpes · Yeast
· Urinary Frequency · Hematuria
· Bad Odor · Cannot Urinate
· Bladder Training · Incontinence
· Stress Incontinence · Irritable Bladder
· Urethral Diverticulum · Unpredictable Urine Loss
· Urgency · Pyelonephritis · Kidney Stones · How to Insert a Foley Catheter ·
Painful Urination
Painful urination is one of the classical symptoms of bladder infection, along with
frequency, urgency and sometimes hematuria. Such an infection can be confirmed by a
positive urine culture (>100,000 colonies/ml), or strongly supported by a positive
"dipstick" (for bacteria or leukocyte esterase) and a clinically tender bladder
(normally the bladder is not the least bit tender).
Bladder infections are treated with broad-spectrum oral antibiotics (Gantrisin, Bactrim
DS, ampicillin, Keflex, Macrodantin, etc.). Immediate relief of symptoms will occur with
Pyridium 200 mg PO TID for 2 days.
Should symptoms persists despite a course of broad spectrum antibiotics, a careful
examination should be made and further testing is appropriate.
Gonorrheal Urethritis
Urinary frequency and burning in a patient with a history of exposure to gonorrhea
suggests gonorrheal urethritis.
The urethra is normally not tender. Should the urethra be tender, particularly if combined with a purulent discharge,
urethritis should be suspected.
Paraurethral abscesses (infected Skene's glands), and eversion of urethral epithelium
are often found.
This diagnosis is confirmed by gram-negative intracellular diplococci on Gram Stain or
positive culture on Thayer-Martin media (chocolate agar).
Should the operational environment disallow this precise workup, treatment is often
provided on the basis of clinical suspicion and symptoms, or after a failed course of
broad-spectrum antibiotics provided for a suspected UTI.
Recommended Regimens (CDC 2002)
Cefixime400 mg orally in a single dose,
Ceftriaxone125 mg IM in a single dose,
Ciprofloxacin500 mg orally in a single dose,
Ofloxacin400 mg orally in a single dose,
Levofloxacin250 mg orally in a single dose,
Azithromycin1 g orally in a single dose
Doxycycline100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days.
Alternative Regimens (CDC 2002)
Spectinomycin2 g in a single, IM dose. Spectinomycin is expensive
and must be injected; however, it has been effective in published clinical
trials, curing 98.2% of uncomplicated urogenital and anorectal gonococcal
infections. Spectinomycin is useful for treatment of patients who cannot
tolerate cephalosporins and quinolones.
Single-dose cephalosporinregimens (other than ceftriaxone 125 mg IM
and cefixime 400 mg orally) that are safe and highly effective against
uncomplicated urogenital and anorectal gonococcal infections include ceftizoxime (500 mg, administered IM), cefoxitin (2 g, administered IM with probenecid 1 g orally), and cefotaxime (500 mg, administered IM). None of the
injectable cephalosporins offer any advantage over ceftriaxone.
Single-dose quinoloneregimens include gatifloxacin 400 mg orally,
norfloxacin 800 mg orally, and lomefloxacin 400 mg orally. These regimens
appear to be safe and effective for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea,
but data regarding their use are limited. None of the regimens appear to offer
any advantage over ciprofloxacin at a dose of 500 mg, ofloxacin at 400 mg, or levofloxacin at 250 mg.
Sexual partners also need to be treated. Skene's abscesses should have I&D followed
by daily packing with iodoform gauze for 2-4 days.
CDC Treatment Guidelines
Non-gonorrheal Urethritis
These patients complain of symptoms suggesting cystitis (frequency, burning, and
urgency), but the urine culture is negative and they do not improve on conventional
antibiotic therapy.
A purulent discharge from the urethra may or may not be present, but the urethra is
tender to touch.
Cultures from the urethra may be positive for chlamydia, Mycoplasma or Ureaplasma, but
will be negative for gonorrhea.
Treatment may be started on the basis of clinical suspicion alone.
Recommended Regimens (CDC 2002)
Azithromycin1 g orally in a single dose
Doxycycline100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days.
Alternative Regimens (CDC 2002)
Erythromycin base500 mg orally four times a day for 7 days,
Erythromycin ethylsuccinate800 mg orally four times a day for 7 days,
Ofloxacin300 mg twice a day for 7 days,
Levofloxacin500 mg once daily for 7 days.
CDC Treatment Guidelines

Herpes Vulvitis
Painful urination in which the vulva burns when the urine drips across it can the
primary symptom of herpes. In this case, inspecting the vulva will reveal multiple, small
(1-2 mm), tender ulcers filled with grayish material and perhaps some blisters that have
not yet ruptured. Sometimes, the pain is so intense that urination becomes complete
misery. A Foley catheter until the symptoms resolve is merciful.
Recommended Regimens for an Initial Infection (CDC 2002)
Acyclovir 400 mg orally three times a day for 7--10 days,
Acyclovir200 mg orally five times a day for 7--10 days,
Famciclovir250 mg orally three times a day for 7--10 days,
Valacyclovir1 g orally twice a day for 7--10 days.
Recommended Regimens for Recurrence (CDC 2002)
Acyclovir400 mg orally three times a day for 5 days,
Acyclovir200 mg orally five times a day for 5 days,
Acyclovir800 mg orally twice a day for 5 days,
Famciclovir125 mg orally twice a day for 5 days,
Valacyclovir500 mg orally twice a day for 3--5 days,
Valacyclovir1.0 g orally once a day for 5 days.
Recommended Regimens for Supressive Therapy (CDC 2002)
Acyclovir400 mg orally twice a day,
Famciclovir250 mg orally twice a day,
Valacyclovir500 mg orally once a day,
Valacyclovir1.0 gram orally once a day.
Read more about Herpes Vulvitis
CDC Treatment Guidelines
Yeast, Trichomonas
Pain on the vulva when urine passes over it can also be a symptom of yeast and
less-commonly trichomonads. These infections should be apparent on inspection of the
vulva/vagina and may be confirmed by microscopic examination of vaginal discharge.
Painful urination may also be a symptom of other gynecologic disease, not specifically
related to the bladder. Endometriosis, for example, may initially present as painful
urination with a tender bladder which does not respond to typical antibiotic therapy and
all urine cultures will be negative.
Read more about Yeast
Urinary Frequency
The overwhelming number of patients complaining of urinary frequency will have one of
the following problems:
Bladder infection (accompanied by dysuria).
Excessive fluid intake (particularly just before bedtime).
Increased stress.
Some pelvic mass which is pressing on the bladder
Evaluation of urinary frequency involves asking the patient about her fluid intake
habits and recent exposure to stress. A physical exam determines the presence or absence
Bladder tenderness (suggesting cystitis or endometriosis)
Pelvic mass (suggesting ovarian cyst, pregnancy, or fibroids)
In situations where the diagnosis is unclear, a urine culture or urine
"dipstick" for bacteria, nitrates or leukocyte esterase may be helpful in
identifying infection. A pregnancy test is sometimes enlightening.
Whenever infection is suggested, a course of oral broad-spectrum antibiotics is
advised. If no infection is apparent and the patient acknowledges large fluid intake,
reducing the intake some may be helpful. (don't over-react to this...too little fluid
intake can be a problem also.)If the patient has had a trial of antibiotics,
and/or has a negative culture, it is certainly worth trying low dose anticholinergics
(like 2.5 mg Ditropan 2-3 times per day) for the stress component. In young women, it is
often NOT a pelvic mass or infection: it is often just stress.
Blood in the Urine
There are a wealth of reasons for grossly visible blood in the urine. In women of
child-bearing age, not postpartum and not menstruating, the most frequent is cystitis or a
bladder infection. Such an infection is usually accompanied by urinary frequency and
painful urination. The bladder is tender to palpation and urine culture will be positive
(>100,000 colonies/ml). Urine "dipstick" will be positive for bacteria,
nitrates and leukocyte esterase in the typical case.
Treatment involves an oral broad-spectrum antibiotic (Bactrim, ampicillin, Keflex, Macrodantin, etc.).
If all symptoms resolve and the hematuria does not return, no further evaluation is
necessary. If the hematuria does not disappear or if the patient has repeated episodes of
hematuria, then urologic consultation will be necessary to look for other causes of
hematuria (renal stones, renal cell cancer, bladder cancer, endometriosis, etc.)
Bad Urinary Odor
This is usually a symptom of either a urinary tract infection (cystitis) or a vaginal
Examining the patient to determine the presence or absence of Gardnerella,
trichomonads, yeast, or a lost tampon may be helpful in excluding vaginal problems. A
urine culture or urine "dipstick" for bacteria, nitrates or leukocyte esterase
may be helpful in eliminating a bladder infection as the cause of the problem.
Certain foods are associated with an unusual odor in the urine (asparagus), as are
certain antibiotics (ampicillin).
Cannot Urinate
If the patient cannot urinate at all, she will be in extreme distress with a distended,
tender bladder.
Insert a Foley catheter and allow the urine to begin draining. After the first 500 cc
of urine has drained, clamp the Foley to temporarily stop draining for 5-10 minutes before
allowing another 500 cc to drain. Continue to drain the urine in 500 cc increments until
empty. Severe bladder cramps may occur if the entire bladder is drained at one time of a
large amount (>1000 cc) of urine. (Severe bladder cramps may occur anyway.) After the bladder is drained, leave the Foley
catheter in place for a day or two to allow the bladder's muscular wall to regain its'
normal tone. If there is more than about 700 cc in someone, you should leave the Foley 5
days. If truly overstretched, the bladder wont recover its tone in 48 hours.
Try to determine why the patient couldn't void. She may have recent
trauma to the perineum or vagina, which caused swelling in the area of the bladder or
urethra, obstructing flow. She may have a pelvic mass (ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids,
pregnancy, etc.) which has distorted the anatomy and functionally blocked the urethra. She
may have herpes and cannot urinate because of the severe pain, which is caused by urine
flowing over open ulcers.
Outside of postpartum or post-surgical circumstances, being unable to
urinate is very rare in women, and not a good sign. Urinary retention is a common
presentation of MS. If it does not respond to 5 days of Foley placement, urologic
consultation/evaluation is needed.
Bladder Training
After a day or two, remove the Foley catheter. Usually the patient will be able to
urinate normally again. If there is any doubt, catheterize her for "residual
volumes."(RV) After she urinates, insert a catheter to completely empty the bladder.
If the RV is less than 50 cc, no further catheterization is necessary. If the RV is
greater than 50 cc, continue to catheterize her after each urination until the RV is less
than 50 cc. If the RV is quite large (>300 cc), then the bladder has probably not
regained its normal tone and you should simply leave the Foley catheter in place for a few
more days.
Involuntary Loss of Urine
There are four primary forms of urinary incontinence:
1) Loss of urine when coughing, sneezing or straining ("stress urinary
2) Sudden, involuntary loss of urine accompanied by urgency (unstable bladder,
irritable bladder, detrusor dyssynergia).
3) Involuntary loss of urine upon rising or standing.
4) Involuntary loss of urine at unpredictable times, not associated with urgency,
frequency or other activities.
Stress Incontinence
Loss of urine when straining (stress urinary incontinence) affects nearly
all women at some time in their life
If a woman's bladder is full enough and she strains hard enough, some urine will
escape, due to the shortness of her urethra, the fragility of the normal continence
mechanism, and its vulnerability to trauma during intercourse and childbirth.
Genuine stress incontinence which occurs more or less daily and requires the patient to
wear a pad to avoid soiling her clothing will require gynecologic or urologic consultation
and usually surgery to repair the anatomic defect.
Lesser degrees of stress incontinence can be treated by:
Kegel exercises (periodic tightening of the muscles of the pelvic floor 10-15 times a
day for 4 weeks).
Frequent emptying of the bladder and "double voiding" (re-emptying the bladder
10-15 minutes after the initial void) to keep the bladder as empty as possible.
Elimination of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco (common bladder irritants) which may
aggravate the incontinence.
A course of oral antibiotics to eliminate the chance that a sub-clinical cystitis is
aggravating the incontinence.
Irritable Bladder
Women with an "irritable bladder" will complain that when they suddenly get
the urge to urinate, they must find a bathroom within 1-2 minutes or else they will
actually lose urine involuntarily.
Evaluation of the irritable bladder will require gynecologic consultation, but a number
of simple things can be done to relieve the symptoms while awaiting consultation.
Eliminating caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco from the diet will reduce the stimulation of
the bladder wall. "Double voiding" (emptying the bladder, waiting 10-15 minutes
and then emptying the bladder again) will help fully empty the bladder and will reduce the
stimulus. A course of oral antibiotic may eliminate any subclinical infection.
Smooth muscle relaxants may also be helpful.
Urethral Diverticulum
Involuntary loss of urine upon standing or arising suggests the presence of a urethral
diverticulum. This outpouching of the urethra collects and holds urine, releasing it at
unpredictable times. Specialized instruments are needed to visualize most urethral
diverticula and patients with this type of complaint should be evaluated through a
gynecology or urology consultation. Nothing short of surgery is likely to help this
particular problem.
Unpredictable Urine Loss
Unpredictable loss of urine not associated with urgency or activity suggests a
neurologic cause. Such conditions as multiple sclerosus, spinal cord tumors, spinal disk
compression and other neurologic problems should be considered. If a patient has a single
episode of this type of urine loss, she can simply be reassured, but if she notes an
on-going or worsening problem with this type of urine loss, careful neurologic evaluation
should be performed.
Urinary Urgency
There are three primary reasons for urinary urgency:
In women of child-bearing age, cystitis is the most frequent cause of this distressing
symptom in which a patient suddenly has a powerful urge to urinate. Bladder infection is
usually accompanied by urinary frequency and painful urination. The bladder is tender to
palpation and urine culture is positive (>100,000 colonies/ml). Urine
"dipstick" will be positive for bacteria, nitrates and leukocyte esterase in the
typical case.
Treatment involves an oral broad-spectrum antibiotic (Bactrim, ampicillin, Keflex, Macrodantin, etc.). If all symptoms resolve, no further evaluation is necessary.
Persistent symptoms will usually necessitate a gynecologic or urologic consultation.
Women with an "irritable bladder" will complain that when they suddenly get
the urge to urinate, they must find a bathroom within 1-2 minutes or else they will
actually lose urine involuntarily. Evaluation of the irritable bladder will require
gynecologic consultation, as described above.
Stress is commonly encountered. While the stressor cannot always
be reduced, the body's reaction to the stressor can, sometimes, be modified. Women who
suffer from stress-induced urgency may benefit from counseling and stress-reduction
A kidney infection.
These infections are characterized by CVA pain or tenderness, chills, fever, lassitude,
and sometimes nausea and vomiting. They may be preceded by cystitis or may come without
Treatment is vigorous antibiotic therapy (frequently IV antibiotics because of the
seriousness of the illness) and brisk fluid intake (IV or PO).
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are common. While occurring more frequently among men than
women, they still represent a significant cause of abdominal pain. A distal ureteral
stone, especially in the intramural tunnel of the bladder often causes severe
frequency/urgency patterns of urination. The dehydration, which often accompanies
deployment, predisposes military members to formation of stones.
Severe, acute, colicky, unilateral flank pain usually marks the passing
of a kidney stone. The pain is:
While passing stones is very unpleasant for the patient, it is not life threatening.
Only in the event of upper tract infection or a solitary kidney is the obstruction
associated with a passing stone a true medical emergency. In the absence of these two
factors, the goal of treatment is pain relief and hydration.
Appropriate work-up of kidney stones depends on the patient presentation and available
facilities. In the absence of fever or other evidence of UTI, treat the patient
empirically with IV hydration and IV pain medications (Torodol or morphine). Oral pain
medication is usually appropriate following this therapy. The pain is
associated with spasm of the ureter. Once the stone passes through the ureter
and into the bladder, it is usually painlessly passed through the much larger
If the patient does not pass a stone, an intravenous pyelogram (IVP) within 30 days of
presentation is considered timely unless the patients condition deteriorates. If the
diagnosis is in question, a spiral CT scan is the diagnostic tool of choice, as
abnormalities other than kidney or ureteral stones are often visible. An IVP, however,
provides functional as well as diagnostic information, and the diuresis from
the contrast load may encourage passing of the stone.
*This Chapter was originally written by CAPT Michael John
Hughey, MC, USNR, and Colonel Rhonda Cornum, MC, USA, in Operational Obstetrics &
Gynecology - 2nd Edition, The Health Care of Women in Military Settings,
NAVMEDPUB 6300-2C. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery,
Department of the Navy, 2300 E Street NW, Washington, D.C, 20372-5300, January 1, 2000 |