2.14 What parts of the body are used in determining temperature?

There are three principal locations for taking the patient’s temperature.

Figure 2-4. Three locations for taking temperatures.
Figure 2-4. Three locations for taking temperatures.

a. Mouth.

A temperature taken by placing a thermometer in the patient’s mouth is called an oral temperature. Most of the temperatures taken in a medical facility are oral temperatures. A thermometer designed for taking an oral temperature is called an oral thermometer.

b. Armpit.

A temperature taken by placing a thermometer under the patient’s arm in his armpit area is called an axillary temperature. A thermometer designed for taking oral temperatures is also used to take axillary temperatures.

c. Rectum.

A temperature taken by holding a thermometer within the patient’s rectum is called a rectal temperature. A thermometer designed for taking a rectal temperature is called a rectal thermometer.

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