Treating Fractures in the Field

Lesson 2: Spinal Injuries
Section II: Immobilizing a Suspected Spinal Injury


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The straddle-slide technique is used to place a casualty with a spinal injury on a long spine board when limited space makes it impossible to use the log roll technique. The straddle-slide technique requires five people (yourself and four assistants). You should maintain manual traction of the casualty's head while supervising your assistants.


a. Obtain Long Spine Board. Have the fourth assistant obtain a long spine board.


b. Secure Wrists. If the casualty is unconscious, have an assistant place the casualty's wrists together at his waist and tie them together loosely with a cravat. The casualty's circulation should not be impaired.


c. Brief the Casualty. Tell the casualty that you are going to place him onto the spine board. Tell the casualty that he should not try to move; the assistants and yourself will move him without any effort on his part.


d. Position Yourself and Assistants. Squat so that you can maintain traction and have your feet spread wide apart. Position the assistants as follows.

(1) Have the first assistant face you, straddle the casualty's chest, and place his hands under the casualty's armpits.


(2) Have the second assistant face you, straddle the casualty's hips, and place his hands on the outsides of the casualty's hips.


(3) Have the third assistant face you, straddle the casualty's lower legs, and place his hands on the outside of the casualty's lower legs.


(4) Have the fourth assistant (the assistant with the spine board) stand behind you and face your back. Have him position the spine board so it can be slipped beneath the casualty.

e. Lift Casualty. Upon your command, have the first three assistants lift the casualty slightly in unison. As they lift the casualty, lift his head slightly to keep it in alignment with the spine.


f. Slide Board. Have the fourth assistant slide the long spine board between your feet and the feet of the other three assistants. The board should be positioned so the casualty will be in the middle of the board when he is lowered.



g. Lower Casualty. Have the first three assistants slowly lower the casualty in unison so the casualty is in the middle of the board. As they lower the casualty, lower his head to keep it in alignment with his spine.


h. Place Padding Beneath the Casualty. Next, have the assistants slip padding beneath the natural curves at the small (arch) of the casualty's back, his knees, his ankles, and his neck.


i. Secure Casualty to Board. Finally, have the assistants secure the casualty's head, chest, hips, thighs, and legs to the long spine board using straps, cravats, and/or strips of cloth while you maintain the cervical traction.

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