Self-Test and Answers

Exercises, Lesson 1

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following items by marking the lettered response that best answers the question, by completing the incomplete statement, or by writing the answer in the space provided at the end of the question.

After you have completed the exercise, turn to “Solutions to Exercise” at the end of the lesson and check your answers. For each item answered incorrectly, reread the material referenced with the solution.

1. An examination of an orthopedic patient should include an assessment of neurological function. This is done by checking the patient’s _____________________, ___________________, and ___________________.

2. Terms used to describe the character of a patient’s pain include cramping, throbbing, and shooting. Other terms are _____________________, _____________________________ and_____________________________.

3. A major advantage in the use of turning frames is ________________________________________________________________________.

4. Standard axillary crutches need two adjustments. These adjustments are the _____________________________ and the _____________________________.

5. To avoid self-injury, those engaged in orthopedic nursing must understand and apply ___________________________________________________________.

6. The 4-point crutch-walking gait is used when:

a. The patient should bear no weight on the affected leg.

b. The patient’s lower extremities are paralyzed.

c. The patient can bear some weight on both lower extremities.

7. Which of the following statements is NOT a reason for application of a cast?

a. To correct deformities.

b. To hold bone fragments in reduction.

c. To prevent early mobilization.

d. To immobilize fractures.

8. You are caring for a patient with a newly applied cast, which of the following actions would be incorrect?

a. Expose the cast to air circulation.

b. Support the cast with plastic covered pillows.

c. Handle the cast with your palms.

d. Cover the casted extremity.

9. A patient’s newly casted extremity feels cold and color does not return when the blanching test is performed. This suggests ______________________________.

10. “Petaling” is a technique used to ______________________________________.

11. When turning a patient in a spice cast, the patient should be turned with the ____________________________________  side uppermost.

12. List five purposes for the use of traction.






13. The basic methods of applying traction are referred to as ___________________ and ___________________________________ .

14. Which of the following statements is NOT a correct statement?

a. Traction weights should be securely tied to a rope.

b. Traction weights should be removed only with the physician’s authorization.

c. Traction weights should hang free.

d. Traction weights should be allowed to swing back and forth.

15. In________________, there an angle of approximately 20° between the thigh and the bed, with slight flexion of the hip and knee.

a. Running traction.

b. Balanced suspension traction.

c. Buck’s extension traction.

d. Russell traction.

16. The combination of skeletal traction and balanced suspension is commonly used to treat _______________________________________________.

17. An injury to a joint in which ligaments, capsule, and tissue are partially torn or severely stretched is a _______________________________.

18. Fractures occur when a bone is subjected to more ______________________ than it can absorb.

19. __________________________________________ may occur easily from just a slight movement in bones that have become weakened with age or disease.

20. A fracture associated with a large amount of nerve, blood vessel, or soft tissue damage is called a ______________________________________ fracture.

21. In what type of fracture are the bone ends wedged or jammed into each other?

a. Depressed.

b. Impacted or compressed.

c. Comminuted.

d. Displaced.

22. Pain, false motion, edema, and crepitus are signs of a ____________________.

23. The process of restoring bone ends to their normal anatomical position is called ____________________________________________.

24. Casting, splinting, and application of continuous traction are techniques of _____________________________________________.

25. The principles of fracture management are ___________________________, __________________________, and __________________________________.

26. Which of the following is NOT one of the “5 P’s” of assessment?

a. Pain.

b. Pressure.

c. Paralysis.

d. Pulse.

27. This life threatening complication may occur without symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they may be presented as substernal pain, dyspnea, apprehension, weak and rapid pulse, or shock. Which of the following was just described?

a. Tetanus.

b. Gas gangrene.

c. Fat emboli.

d. Pulmonary emboli.

28. Severe and uncontrolled infection, peripheral vascular disease, and chronic pain may be indications for _________________________________________.

29. The two types of amputation procedures are _____________________________ and _______________________________.

30. Proper positioning of the stump postoperatively will prevent _________________.

31. Arthritis, gout, and other related diseases can be collectively referred to as ___________________________________________________.

32. One pathological change in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is ____________________________________________, which is the formation of tissue that adheres to the opposite joint surface, inhibiting motion.

33. ________________________ is also known as degenerative joint disease.

34. A pathological change in the affected joints of patients with osteoarthritis is ____________________________ of cartilage and _____________________ synovial membrane.

35. Primary, _____________________ is a metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to properly metabolize purines. This inability results in deposit of _______________________________ in the joint and connective tissues.

36. Drugs used to relieve pain of mild to moderate intensity and reduce body temperature in selected febrile conditions are _____________________________ drugs.

37. _______________________________________ drugs are used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

38. Two opium alkaloids widely used in the practice of medicine are ______________ and ___________________________________ .

39. Seizures, breathing difficulties, and respiratory depression may be serious adverse reactions to:

a. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

b. Nonnarcotic analgesic/antipyretic drugs.

c. Opium alkaloid narcotic agonist.

d. Urate crystals.

40. Naloxone hydrochloride is an opioid ________________________ ; it can reverse opioid-induced respiratory depression and should be kept on the nursing unit where opioid medications are used.


1. Reflexes, sensation, motor ability (para 1-3g)

2. Sharp, dull, piercing (para 1-7a(3))

3. The prevention of complications (para 1-9b)

4. Length of the crutch, position of the hand grip (para 1-12b)

5. Principles of body mechanics (para 1-2a)

6. c (para 1-13a)

7. c (para 1-15b)

8. d (para 1-17a, b, c)

9. Impaired arterial circulation (para 1-17h(3))

10. Finish a cast (para 1-18b and figure 1-12)

11. Affected (bad ) (para 1-23a)

12. To reduce and immobilize fractures

To prevent fracture deformities

To relieve muscles spasm

To reduce pain

To help regain normal length and alignment (para 1-25b)

13. Skin traction, skeletal traction (para 1-25c)

14. d (para 1-27a)

15. d (para 1-30a)

16. Fractures of the femoral shaft (para 1-37a)

17. Sprain (para 1-41a)

18. Stress (para 1-44a)

19. Pathological fractures (para 1-44a(4))

20. Complicated (para 1-45a)

21. b (para 1-45c(4))

22. Fracture (para 1-44b)

23. Reduction (para 1-47b(1))

24. External fixation (para 1-47b(2)(a)

25. Reduction, immobilization, rehabilitation (para 1-47b)

26. b (para 1-48b)

27. d (para 1-49a)

28. Amputation (paras 1-50a(3), (4), (7))

29. Open (or guillotine) and closed (or flap) (para 1-51c)

30. Contractures (para 1-52b(4))

31. Connective tissue disorders (para 1-53)

32. Fibrous ankylosis (para 1-54a)

33. Osteoarthritis (para 1-55a)

34. Thinning, thickened (para 1-55b)

35. Gout, urate crystals (para 1-56a)

36. Nonnarcotic analgesic/antipyretic (para 1-58a)

37. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (para 1-59a)

38. Morphine, codeine (para 1-60a)

39. c (para 1-60c)

40. Antagonist (para 1-60d)

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