Fri. night

Hello –
Guess who? That’s right – none other than that brother, uncle, and brother-in-law. Here I am back in California enjoying the days but freezing under a layer of fog, blankets, coats and what have you, every night. It is 8:00 P.M. now and I can look out the windows and watch the fog roll in from the ocean. No kidding about these cold nights, there hasn’t been a night yet that I haven’t woke up freezing. I think I finally have the solution; I borrowed another blanket, and am using my fur lined pants and jacket in between a couple of the blankets. I am testing it out tonight so here’s hoping that it works. The barracks are something that any Jap would commit “hari kari” over, but even so morale is pretty high.

Believe me they are finally making us work for our pay again. This morning we had ground school from 7:00-11:00, then P.T. till 12:00, were on the flight line from 1:00 P.M. till 6:00 and then to top things off they had to give me link trainer from 9:00 till 11:00 tonight. We have this schedule for 10 days straight and then supposedly get 2 days off and then fly the A20‘s for 10 days straight. At the present we are getting our instrument time in flying AT10′s. I got in 3 hrs. this afternoon which was a strain after not flying for over a month.

These AT10’s are a pretty nice instrument flying plane, but there are an awful lot of hills and mountains around here to be flying instruments all the time. You just about need something that will go straight up and straight down to get in and out of this field. However, we made it today and so did several others so we’ll make it tomorrow also.
I am going to have to cut this short because I have to be down in the link building pretty soon. Elaine, I guess you really have your hands full, but I know that you really enjoy every minute of it and I can’t say as I blame you if Tommy is any ways like Karen. Wish I was there to help you.

I was going to Berkeley with Mort tomorrow evening but the 10 day straight through deal sort of changed our plans so I guess we will both have to be satisfied with a Salinas steak dinner. Oh well –
Hoping to see you in about 2 or 3 mos.
With love,