Thurs. night.
Dear Folks,
Received your card yesterday and letter today. Wish I could have been with you at the Aragon[1]Aragon Ball Room, Chicago, maybe later, O.K.?
I am looking forward to the cookies and I imagine if I spread it around much there wold be several others looking for the same thing. I guess you have already sent the pin. Zoe‘s address has changed as I found out today. The house closed for the rest of the summer, but she will get it ok., I am sure. Thanks alot for sending it.

I hope your hay fever doesn’t get very bad. I haven’t been bothered with you know what since we were at Tempe. I certainly have been keeping my finger’s crossed, but I don’t think it will bother me.
You spoke of the moon on the lake, this Calif. moon looks pretty nice but I think it would look alot better in the mid west.
I am glad you sent Dad’s letter because I know alittle more of how things stand. I never know what to tell him to do in my letters other than what ever he does do is ok with me. I get a letter from Cleda every once in a while, however, I know her well enough to know that she is playing up to me. I have only written her a couple of times and all my other letter I address to Dad. I don’t know if I ever told you are not but so you will know, you are the 2nd beneficiary. That is in the regular $10,000. government insurance policy.

We haven’t started aerial photography yet but we are taking 14 hrs. in studying the diseases of the South Pac. It seems that you can get anything there. We have had talks by a fellow who was shot down and lived for 24 day on coconuts (your favorite) and was finally taken to a friendly native village. His malaria is not entirely cured yet but he had everything else along with it. It is just a new course and the idea is to teach us to take care of ourself under the conditions which might arise. It seems that it is almost impossible to keep from getting malaria. I don’t think you are ever the same after having it I am certain this fellow isn’t.

I got another 100 on the 2nd math test and a 93 on the first aircraft identification test. We had 18 planes that were flashed for 1/5 of a sec. from now on they will all be at 1/10 sec.
I am sure that Uncle Tom as well as her parents would be able to understand every word that Karen says. In fact I think I could probably understand some new ones. I am going to take some pictures to show Aunt Molly. Our passes won’t start till 6: PM. so I won’t be able to get to Aunt Mollie‘s till Sun. morning. It takes about two hours to get to Los Angeles. I and another boy are going to try and find a room, I hope we don’t have to sleep on a park bench all night.
I have some math problems to complete.
–·, —, —, -·· ; -·, ··, –·, ····, -· [2]GOOD NIGHT, in Morse Code
Love, Tom

↑1 | Aragon Ball Room, Chicago |
↑2 | GOOD NIGHT, in Morse Code |