Sun. night
11:00 o’clock

I hope you will pardon the pencil but Agnes’ either has my pen or else I lost it.
Bill B. is staying all night with me, tonight he and I had dates we went to the show and then walked the girls home Dad better hurry up and get home with the car I would hate to have to walk to Sorento[1]Sorento is 14 miles northwest of Greenville but if you were there I would certainly do it.
I would certainly have like to come up for the state tournament not altogether to see the games even if they were pretty good, but I miss you an awful lot.[2]Zoe is at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois, about 130 miles northeast of Greenville

Did you see any of the boys when they were up there Redfearn said he was going to see you but I haven’t seen him yet.
Next Sat. the band goes to Granite City if we don’t play better than we did in the Kasper Concert we gave this afternoon we’ll do good to get a 2nd rating.
By the way you owe me a letter I haven’t gotten one since I wrote the last one so just send two next time.
Dad coming home next Sun. they must have been missing me I got a coat from them when they were in Hot Springs and two ties from New Orleans.
Don’t forget those letters.
With love, Tom
P.S. Bile said hello.