
I have a harder time staying awake in this assembly than any other one so if I go to sleep I’ll finish this the 7th hr. I hope you will pardon the paper.
I wish you had told me about Jim when you were home it would have been a little better than getting it second hand. He must have considered that coking (sp) party a pretty heavy date to have it bounce back in Greenville like it did. I’ll forget about it but just remember that promise.
This Fri. night they are having a Sadie Hawkins[1]Wikipedia: Sadie Hawkins Day is an American folk event and pseudo-holiday originated by Al Capp‘s classic hillbilly comic strip Li’l Abner (1934–1978). This inspired … Continue reading party here at school but Boyd and I have a bargain that we will both go stag.
Have you got a letter from Bob or Bill R. yet they both said they were going to write you. Bill was going to write as soon as Bob told him about what Mrs. Wise told him. I explained things this morning – they wouldn’t tell me if they had already wrote.

7:30 night.
Sorry I didn’t get to finish this the 7th hr. but I had to finish a Physic experiment.
Bob stayed all night with me last night I have more trouble keeping him on his side than anybody I know of I am wore out more in the morning than when I go to bed.
The folks went to St. Louis yesterday afternoon and 7 of us had a stag party up here yesterday afternoon and night my net income was 25¢ it was all from Bob he lost about $1.50 he’ll never learn.l
I’m getting tired of fighting with you so how about a peace treaty?
Stay away from Jim.
With love, Tom
P.S. If you see Jim you can still tell him I said he was either a lair or else he hasn’t learned to keep his mouth shut.

↑1 | Wikipedia: Sadie Hawkins Day is an American folk event and pseudo-holiday originated by Al Capp‘s classic hillbilly comic strip Li’l Abner (1934–1978). This inspired real-world Sadie Hawkins events, the premise of which is that women ask men for a date or dancing. |