February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois

Tom was reassured that the gossip he heard was not true, but now there’s more gossip to deal with. He sends a cartoon clipping that someone posted on the high school bulletin board.
February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois, Page 1
February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois, Page 1

Thurs. night.


I received your letter yesterday I don’t know shy I should pay any attention to what Bill say If you say he stretched things I’ll believe you and if he says anymore about it I’ll tell him to go to _____.

I don’t know whether things have gone O.K. or not, you don’t seem to give me a whole lot of cooperation especially the way you say you don’t care what I do or believe. I guess it is sort of funny to fuss over him though.

February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois, Page 2
February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois, Page 2

By the way Bob heard from Mrs. Wise who in turn heard from Mrs. Czarnell  that you had gone with Jim.[1]James E. Cearnal Is that true?

You know what I’ve decided Zoe that I would do just about anything to keep you.

February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois, Clipping
February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois, Clipping

I am sending you a clipping from the paper that either Evelyne or some one for a joke put in. It appeared in Tues. paper. It don’t sound much like her. Cleda said that Mac said she didn’t do it. Some one put it on the bulletin board and I grabbed it I thought you might like to see it.

I want to know if what Bob heard is true, if it isn’t you tell Czarnell I said he was a lair. Let me know about it?

I have some English to finish so had better close.

With love,


February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois
February 7, 1941, Greenville, Illinois


A Young Man Went Off to War