I hope you received the letters that I sent to your home. Have you decided on any job yet? From the sound of your card you seemed to be enjoying Chicago. Wish I were there to enjoy it with you, I still remember a few places that we could go. How about a date this Sat. night? I got paid today so we can go to the Palmer House and then take in a few places on Clark St. that Steve and I use to take in once in awhile when we were just about broke. I guess this is enough dreaming for one night but I am still looking forward to April.

I finished up on my flying time today. We really had a big time. Burg (Pinky) + I met up in the air and practiced our acrobatics. We did everything in the books and even invented a few stunts ourselves. I had a couple of surprises yesterday. Long John told me that he had recommened me for instructors training. I don’t know if I would especially care for it or not but it might be one way to stay in the country longer, but you would probably be safer in combat. You don’t go to instructors school till after you finish this training and get commissioned and alot can happen to change those plans between now and then.
At noon I was called into headquarters and asked if I would be interested in light or heavy bombardment. Up till then I didn’t especially think I was but when they explained things it sounds like a pretty good deal. I go to Marana Basic Flying School which is near Tucson, Ariz. and go into multi-engined stuff. We supposedly get to skip the BT (basic) planes and start right out flying AT’s (advanced trainers) either AT6’s or AT 17’s. We get a chance to go into P38 training which I think I would like. There are just about 10 of us going to Marana and Burg is also going. It is a new basic school and suppose to be pretty nice. We will be leaving the end of this week or the first of next. I’ll let you know my address as soon as I can find out what it is.

Honey, we are right in the middle of final exams and I’ll try to catch up on my letters at a later date. How about you writing alittle more?
Goodnight Dearest –
With all my love,