Mon. night.
Dear Folks,
I received your letter and Thanksgiving box today. Needless to say I was really glad to get them both. Thanks alot-.
Congratulations on the coming addition to the family. Uncle Tom doesn’t have any special choice and I am sure Karen would like a brother just as well as a sister. Maybe I can be there sometime next summer to hold down the home front while you two take in a show. I promise not to use as many of the triangular strips as I did before. Stan, see to it that Elaine behaves and doesn’t do too much running around.
Our Thanksgiving Day here wasn’t much different than any other day other than the fact that we had a pretty good turkey dinner that evening. We still put in a good day’s work and even though I am not much at going to church I did miss it this Thanksgiving.
I should finish up my flying here tomorrow, have 3 more hours to go to get my 65. I flew 3 hrs. this morning and 1 hr. + 45 min. in one stretch which is against regulations, but can be done if necessary. I really had a surprise today when Long John took me aside and told me he liked my flying very well, and the Lt. that gave me my army check ride said he liked my coordination.

He also said he had recommended me for instructors school which comes after you get commissioned. It made me feel pretty good but I don’t know if I would care for it or not. It would probably be one way of staying in this country a little longer. I was also called into headquarters this noon and asked if I would be interested in light or heavy bombardment. They explained things to me and it seems that I had the opportunity to go to Marana for basic which is near Tucson, Ariz. It is suppose to be a good deal and when they told me that we could also go into P38 fighter training from there I accepted and will therefore go to Marana in a few days. I didn’t like the idea of the bombardment stuff but the rest sounds OK. A couple of my buddies are also going there. It is suppose to be multi-engined stuff all the way through.
I also heard Fred Waring’s program and it was for both fields. All the instructors are civilians and most of the personnel but we still have our non tactical (ground) officers. Will let you know my address when possible. Goodnight.-
Love, Tom