Mon. night.

Dear Folks,
It seems like we are all starting back to college. Here we are living in a dorm with tables, wash stands in the rooms, chest of drawers, closets and beds. I and everyone else is very well satisfied. The discipling is pretty strict in fact it is alot like I would think west point to be. All of us are called Mr. and we have to salute non-coms and call them sir. However, we all have a good change to go places if we work. From what I hear the course is plenty tough but I won’t know about that till next Mon. when our classes start. I will let you know the details of the day when I find out all the ropes. Our status is no longer pvt. but aviation student. We are suppose to be here for 5 mo. and get 10 hours of flying time while here. At the end of this training we are suppose to go right into primary flying and we won’t have to go through pre-flight. In a way it will be worse here but we are all working toward a goal that can be seen. The living conditions have improved 100% over Fresno in fact it is like returning to civilization. We don’t have K.P. anymore and no dishes to wash and the two meals so far have been swell. What a life. –

I tried to get in touch with Aunt Molly while we were at Los Angeles but the Lt. made us stay together. I was going to phone her but I couldn’t find her no. in the book. I sent you folks a telegram, I hope you got it.[1]If they received this telegram, it was not saved. The whole bunch of us went through Olvera St. and then to a show in the afternoon.[2]Olvera Street is the site of the original Spanish settlement that has come to be known as Los Angeles. By 1943, it had evolved into a major tourist attraction. I had remembered alot about it from the time we were there. However, sightseeing with 200 fellows is alittle different. We went by Pullman all the way. Maybe if I would travel another 3,000 mi. on a pullman I would learn how to sleep in one.

I want to take a shower and write Elaine a letter yet tonight so had better close. If you get a chance tell Uncle Leslie and some of the others that have been writing me my new address.
Love, Tom
P.S. This place is only about 8 mi. from Phoenix in case you are wondering, however, we won’t get any passes till God knows when.