8:30 Tues. evening.

I am at the library so pardon the stationary. I received your letter today and if anyone has any complaints to make its me and not you. That was the first letter I had received for weeks.
Jim must have a wonderful effect on you to get you up in time to take you to church, but now I am being catty so enough said on the subject.
They timed us in swimming yesterday and my time for 25 yard was 14 sex. one second less than what I made it in the first of the year. This summer I am going to cut that down to 11 sec. We start on life saving next week.
Steve is a regular wolf he sits here and looks at all the girls coming in the library. When one of exceptional qualities comes in he pinches me. A nice way to spend your time don’t you think? Some of them are really disgusting.

I was very surprised to hear that Gene was coming back, only difference was that it wasn’t happily so. There I am getting catty again so enough said.
I didn’t get a thing complete in Chem. today. I started working with some knowns of the silver group and then when I was almost finished I put in some NaOH in stead of NH4OH so Thurs. I start all over again. Everything else is coming along O.K. and Trig is a snap. (I hope)
Say honey, do you know of any sure cures for jealousy if you do I could certainly use it. I can’t seem to help it maybe its because I love you so much.
Write soon and see you the 6th.
With all my love,