Thurs. afternoon.
Dear Folks,
I have a few minutes before retreat formation and wanted to get this letter and money off to you. I would have sent it sooner but haven’t been able to get a money order. As you can see I still haven’t been able to get one. We were suppose to get open post (passes) yesterday but had to make up some time so didn’t get off so wasn’t able to get into town. Here’s hoping that the $3.00 arrive o.k. in this letter. I also mailed some packages the other day that should arrive by now. I wanted to get something engraved on yours but there wasn’t anyplace to get it done here. I didn’t know if they wore those in Chicago or not but the girl at the PX[1]PX=Post Exchange, a retail store on base said “she felt sure they did,” in a very sweet voice. I also saw the little girl bracelets there, I didn’t know what Mama would say about Karen receiving such things from men as such at early age.
I imagine the folks arrived OK and are fairly well settled down by now. Has Karen got use to Dad’s cigars yet?

The upper class moved out today and the new boys moved in. Consequently we are now the upper class big shots and have to change barracks tonight. I am beginning to dislike moving very much you would think once every 8 weeks would be enough.

From what I hear I won’t be flying AT17’s which I am glad of. I asked for single engine training and from the latest report got it, which means I’ll finish up basic in these BT’s and then if lucky enough will get to go into single engine fighters for advanced. Hope to get to go to Luke Field. They fly P40’s as well as the AT6’s there.

My ears finally got better but it knocked me out of flying for four days, which put me behind some. I am just about caught up now. I have 35 hrs. in the BTs up to date which is about half through basic.
Enough for now.
Love, Tom

↑1 | PX=Post Exchange, a retail store on base |