Category Archives: From Tom Cartmell to Zoe Foran

February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom complains that Zoe is not writing to him enough. He’s also concerned about her dating Jim Cearnal. Tom vows to improve his 25 yard swimming time over the summer. He makes a mistake in Chemistry lab that sets him back.

8:30 Tues. evening.

February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


I am at the library so pardon the stationary. I received your letter today and if anyone has any complaints to make its me and not you. That was the first letter I had received for weeks.

Jim must have a wonderful effect on you to get you up in time to take you to church, but now I am being catty so enough said on the subject.

They timed us in swimming yesterday and my time for 25 yard was 14 sex. one second less than what I made it in the first of the year. This summer I am going to cut that down to 11 sec. We start on life saving next week.

Steve is a regular wolf he sits here and looks at all the girls coming in the library. When one of exceptional qualities comes in he pinches me. A nice way to spend your time don’t you think? Some of them are really disgusting.

February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

I was very surprised to hear that Gene was coming back, only difference was that it wasn’t happily so. There I am getting catty again so enough said.

I didn’t get a thing complete in Chem. today. I started working with some knowns of the silver group and then when I was almost finished I put in some NaOH in stead of NH4OH so Thurs. I start all over again. Everything else is coming along O.K. and Trig is a snap. (I hope)

Say honey, do you know of any sure cures for jealousy if you do I could certainly use it. I can’t seem to help it maybe its because I love you so much.

Write soon and see you the 6th.

With all my love,


February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
February 25, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

February 21, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom and 5 friends are to go to Elaine’s for some bridge playing, and then dinner. He has a “Coke date” lined up, his second in 6 weeks.
9:00 o’clock Fri. night.

February 21, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
February 21, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


Not anything to do this evening. I have been sleeping since 6:00 o’clock and now I am sleepier than before. Bob is wanting to go to the Hut[1]The Hut was a local diner, in Evanston on Clark Street, near Sherman Avenue. Because it was close to the University, it was a popular snacking place for students pretty soon so will mail this then.

I got your letter Tues. (not any since then.) I like your air mail stationary. I also thought the letter was wonderful. Honey, you know that I want you to wait as long as it necessary.

Steve went up home today and it seems everyone else is gone.

Sunday afternoon six of we fellows are going down to Elaine’s and play bridge, then have dinner there. You can see if she’s able to do that for six boys you surely wouldn’t be any trouble.

February 21, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
February 21, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

Guess who I saw for the first time today since I have been back? It was Betty, I had heard she had been pinned but I guess not for I have a coke date for Monday afternoon. I am doing pretty good, thats the 2nd date since Christmas. You don’t have a thing to worry about; that is if you ever do worry? I know I do about you.

I had an appointment with my advisor this afternoon and worked on solubility product problems they are alot of fun. They have alot of math. I am due to start on my 1st unknown Tues. we have to have eight worked out by April 15.

Write soon and will see you the 6th.

With all my love,


February 21, 1941, Evanston, Illinois
February 21, 1941, Evanston, Illinois


1 The Hut was a local diner, in Evanston on Clark Street, near Sherman Avenue. Because it was close to the University, it was a popular snacking place for students

February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom describes more of his fraternity hazing rituals. He’s stopped taking German (He’s done poorly in it.) and has been moved into a Psychology class. One of his friends has flunked math and become ineligible in athletics, as well as getting a notice from his draft board. Tom’ preparing for the weekend with Zoe coming up to visity.
12:00 Fri. night.

February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


I’ve been thinking so much of you this evening that I simply had to write you tonight.

A bunch of we fellows went to the show tonight then cleaned the room. Can you imagine that from me?

The swating is in full progress, as yet haven’t received any more, but was suppose to have got one yesterday after lunch for not wearing my pledge pin on my green hat. I thought they had forgotten all about the green hats.

Honey, maybe I should worry and maybe I shouldn’t, but I do.  know I am always jumping at conclusions and getting very jealous but I really can’t seem to help it. Wen I think of you going with someone I feel that I should be there, then . I think of how far apart we are, and get to see each other so seldom that I wonder just what chance I have got. Honey, I do hope you love me at least half as much as I love you.

February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

I am going to sleep till noon tomorrow and study tomorrow afternoon. I am now taking psychology instead of German it’s a long story so won’t take up the space here. I start psychology Mon. it will be my first time to its class and we have a quiz over the first 5 chapters.

The new roommate and I are getting along O.K. so far.

Hank flunked math he didn’t know it till this morning. He got a letter from the Uni. telling of his ineligibility for any sports. It had a great big artical in the Chicago Tribune about it. He’s feeling pretty low and then to top everything off in the same mail he got a notice from the draft board to be ready for call any time. He’s really having troubles.

I hope you are convinced by this time that you will not be in the way if you come up here. You are being expected and I am going to be at the station at 9:00 Fri. night the 6th. As things stand now we have a car for that night.

Your letters have been swell you don’t know how much I look forward to receiving them.

I will wait again Sun. night. I do appreciate your refusing a few dates down there. (Another example of my jealousy.)

With all my love,


February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
February 14, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

November 26, 1941, Evanston, Illinois

Tom and Zoe had good Thanksgiving holiday together. Tom continues to struggle with German, although he got a good grade in Chemistry. Elaine thinks Zoe is wonderful and when Tom is with Elaine, Zoe is the main topic of conversation.

Tues. night 9:30

November 26, 1941, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
November 26, 1941, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


I received your letter this morning it was wonderful to hear from you. I wish the vacation[1]Northwestern’s Thanksgiving Vacation, November 19-24 could have lasted forever like it did Sat. nioght.

We got in Chicago at 8:30. We didn’t leave home till 3:00 so we made fairly good time. We brought two sailor boys with us. Dad left sometime Mon. morning.

I had a surprise in German class Mon. morning. He said we would have a vocabulary test Tues. about the same as a mid-semester. I didn’t get to bed last night till 3:00 and I was planning on staying up all night but got disgusted and didn’t give a damn if I flunked it or not. (maybe I did)

I got back a Chem hour exam paper today and got a 87 so I felt better.

November 26, 1941, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
November 26, 1941, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

I went down to Elaine’s for a while this afternoon. She thinks you are wonderful. (It must run in the family.) Everytime I go down there you are the main topic of discussion.

I am going to try and get in bed by 10 tonight.

My hands will have to freeze till Christmas but Elaine is going to give me a pair of gloves for Christmas, but don’t you worry about it.

I am counting the days till Christmas vacation.

Dearest, I really think you are wonderful especially after the way I have treated you. I must have been crazy about a year ago. I hop[e that someday you can forgive me. Anyway I think it was swell to give me another chance.

With love,


24 days.


1 Northwestern’s Thanksgiving Vacation, November 19-24

February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom describes his chemistry lab, finding it well equipped. He’s changed roommates and the fraternity rituals continue. Someone has found a way to remove nickels from the pay telephone inn the fraternity house, and this upsets the telephone company.
10:00 Wed. evening.

February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


Received your letter this morning it was really swell even if it was short. Honey, you don’t need to doubt my missing you for if you miss me as much as I miss you I will be fully satisfied.

I am sending you something from the formal. I hope you like it.

I just returned from Elaine’s its still snowing out. Its been snowing off and on ever since I got back. She says its foolish for you to think that you would be any trouble but if it would make you feel any better I will fix the bed that afternoon. What do you say?

It was really tough that Illinois got beat Mon., wasn’t it. I really felt bad about it.

What do you think of your swimming class by this time?

Huff Gymnasium Pool at the University of Illinois in Champaign, where Zoe's swimming classes met.
Huff Gymnasium Pool at the University of Illinois in Champaign, where Zoe’s swimming classes met.

Don’t let the math in your chemistry course get the best of you. I have a lab tomorrow afternoon. We were suppose to have one Tues. but they showed us around, and what everything was for. All you have to do in there is whistle and pick up what ever you want. I don’t imagine Illinois has anything that would ever compare with it.

February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

We have changed roommates again. I moved last night. I am now on the 3rd floor with a senior in Commerce. He has the reputation of being the blankty xxxxx fellow in the house. He made me get out of bed this morning at 7:00 and turn off the alarm clock. He is now sitting across from me trying to study. He’s mad because I wouldn’t mail a letter for him. Sooner or later we are going to tangle or else become friends. He’s O.K. b ut he just thinks alittle to much of Bud Spencer (his name)

Someone here in the house has found a way of getting the nickels out of the telephone and now the telephone company is on our neck. The guy was out this afternoon raising heqq.

Honey, I hope you never change your feelings for me, at least the ones you express in your letters. The more I see you and the more I think of you the more I love you, and thats really the truth.

You will always have –

All of my love,


I am expecting more mail.

February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
February 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom is struggling with his final exams, and thinks he flunked German. Zoe is at home in Sorento briefly, but will return to Champaign in time for Tom and his parents to meet her over next weekend. He has gone to church two Sundays in a row, his first mention of church.
2:30 Sun. afternoon.

February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


Are you surprised to finally get a letter? I really haven’t forgotten you, in fact its just the contrary I can’t get my mind off of you.

One more exam to go and I will be through. It comes Tues. morning. Steve and I are going down to the library this afternoon.

I think I flunked the German final yesterday, it was the worse damn thing I have ever taken. The only question I am sure of getting right was the last. It was to write a conversation between two people from the time they got up in the morning till they got to school. I thought we might have something like that so I sat up all Fri. night and memorized two pages of the stuff. I hope he thinks alot of the effort.

I have just found out that my chemistry course next semester has 2 three hour labs on Tues, and Thurs. afternoon. They are starting a new system for pre-meds who are majoring in Chem. It is going to take about 10 hrs. of regular class work.

I’m uncertain about his pre-med reference. It implies that Tom is a pre-med, majoring in chemistry. But this is the first he’s mentioned it, and in his graduation interview from high school, he says he does not want to be a doctor. Maybe he changed his mind.

I think the folks[1]Doc Cartmell and Cleda are going to call you before you go back and decide where to meet when they come Champaign.

Honky Tonk
Honky Tonk Promotional Poster

I went to the show last night. Steve and Bud and I, we saw “Honky Tonk” some picture now I see what you meant in your letter.

How does it feel to be home I certainly wish I was there with you. How many dates have you had?

We have really been having some nice snowy weather here. It looks like it is going to snow this afternoon.

Bud is still in the hospital his temp. is still 101 degrees. He had a pretty rocky time of it. I heard that one of the doctors said he had been plenty lucky to pull through. His temp. was 105 degrees for two days.

February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

Honey, I will let you know when I will arrive in Champaign. I might come on the bus. I think there is one that leaves in the afternoon at 2:30. The train does not leave till 6:00. I will let you know.

Tell your folks hello, and for them to see that you don’t have too many dates, while there. I think it would be a good time for you to catch up on your sleep.

I have been to church for the last two Sundays, not bad for me.

Cross your fingers for me Tues. morning.

If I was home now could I have a date tonight? I wish I could deliver this letter in person tonight about 7:30.

With all my love,


February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
February 1, 1942, Evanston, Illinois


1 Doc Cartmell and Cleda

January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

For the first time, Tom discusses his interest in joining the Air Corps. His swimming class is physically taxing, and he’s fallen behind in his studies since being hospitalized. Fraternity pledge activities are continuing. He’s getting discouraged.
7:00 Mon. night.

January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


Just a short note but I wanted to finish this letter and then get to work. Steve and I are going up town to get a drink at 12:00 so I will mail this then.[1]I’m not sure what he means by “get a drink.” Evanston was dry – did not allow alcohol to be served – at the time, so either they weren’t staying in Evanston, or … Continue reading I went down to Chicago this afternoon. Do you think I would be crazy to try and get in the air corps, it wouldn’t be before next fall but I would probably have to sign up before then. That was the reason I went down to Chicago. They have lowered the age limit to 18. They are going to let me know as soon as they start taking more applications.

I went to swimming class today for the first time in 2 weeks. The first thing he had us do was swim 250 yds. 100 free style, 50 breast stroke, 50 side stroke, and 50 flying breast stroke I couldn’t hardly get out of the pool after that. The next 1/2 hour we played water polo.

January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

I found out that I register from 10:30 to 11:30 Fri. the 6th so I will get out of here Fri. afternoon if I can get a train.

The actives really put us through the paces tonight at dinner. I had to sing a song and crawl under all the tables.

Honey, the time seems to be so far away before I will see you and the days are so long that it seems it will never come. The way the work piled while I was out I feel like quitting and letting it go to he–. You remember the theme I told you I finished that night I got out of the hospital to be turned in the next day I got it back today with a C. When he gave it to me I felt like pushing it down his throat but that wouldn’t have been nice.

I better close now and get to work.

Write soon and be good. –

With all my love,


January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
January 19, 1942, Evanston, Illinois


1 I’m not sure what he means by “get a drink.” Evanston was dry – did not allow alcohol to be served – at the time, so either they weren’t staying in Evanston, or the drink was not alcoholic.

January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom was admitted to the hospital (Apparently, his sore throat didn’t improve with his smoking a pipe.). He’s out now, but missed a Chemistry quiz and is not being allowed to make it up. He’s still struggling with Chemistry and German.
Sat. night

January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


I got out Thurs. night. I had a double theme due Fri. and got it finished in time. I am still so far behind that I just don’t know where to start. I am behind three assignments in math I have been working on that tonight. I am at Elaines’. They have gone to a bridge party.

It certainly is a pity that you aren’t at N.U. but if you were I wouldn’t want to be in the hospital.

I am listening to the “Hit Parade” now.

Your grades really sound swell I wish you would give me some of that knowledge. I missed an hour exam in Chem. when I was in the hospital when I talked to my quiz instructor he said I couldn’t make it up. I am going to see the head boy Mon. and if he won’t let me either I am going to be in one hell of a fix in Chem as well as German.

January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

I have a good idea for a bet on the game. If N.U. wins you will let me drive with one hand even on the corners. Is that a bet.

It did seem like I spoke to soon by telling you to take care of yourself and then getting sick myself, but honey do take care of yourself. I love you more than you will ever know. I would be the happiest person in the world just to be near you.

I am going to stay here all night. I have a lot of work to finish and I want to mail this yet tonight so had better cut it short.

Be good and I will see you in about 21 days.

with all my love,


January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
January 18, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom has had a bad sore throat for a few days and decided that smoking a pipe might make it better. He’s reluctant to go to the hospital because he doesn’t want to be admitted.
Sun. night 12:30

January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


Just finished putting on the finishing touches to a double theme it should be good for a B.

I guess you received my second letter so I am doing better than you, I don’t even wait for a answer. I have been trying smoking my pipe all evening, I though that might be a good way to get rid of a sore throat. Its really been sore for the last few days, I am afraid to go to the infirmary because they put you in the hospital for little of nothing. The weather here has finally broke and it is getting a little warmer.

I studied Fri. night and Sat. afternoon, then Steve and I went down to Elaine’s and ate dinner. We stayed there all night and played bridge till 12:00 I am not very good at that game but learning slowly. We had an exchange dinner with one of the sororities tonight but I didn’t feel much like going so Steve and I ducked out and went to the show. I probably won’t be able to sit down after tomorrow night (swat night) because everyone was suppose to go.

January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

Honey, I would like to come down very much Fri. the 6th I am pretty sure that I will register that morning and not Sat. That week would be the best for me because there would not be any work. I will let you know more as soon as I find out when I register for certain, if this isn’t O.K. let me know.

I hope you made it O.K. on your mile skating trip I am sure you did.

Zoe, I would miss twenty formals to be with you one week-end and I wouldn’t enjoy myself without you being there with me anyway.

Do you think you could come up here some weekend around the first of March. Elaine wants you to stay there, but she might put you to work nitting things for “Junior.” That is all she as been doing lately. (I hope its’ a boy.)

N. U. beat Chicago last night and they are all set for Illinois, but Hank says it will be the toughest game of the season.

I have an hour exam in Chem. Tues. so had better close because I will be up all night tomorrow.

Write soon and remember when you go out on dates that you have –

All my love,


January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
January 12, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois

Tom is feeling particularly lonely since college has resumed after the holidays. He has dinner at Elaine and Stanley’s apartment in Chicago.

Wed. evening.

January 5, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1
January 5, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 1


I am down at Elaine’s for dinner this evening and wanted to answer your letter.

The temperature is now 15 degrees below 0 and if it get any colder I will feel like heading south. Last night it got down to 20 below.

It was really swell to get your letter and as you know by my last letter that I wasn’t in any better mood than you were, and I doubt very much if you could have been feeling half as lonesome as I was. (I don’t feel very much better yet.)

January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2
January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 2

Zoe, I guess maybe I am to jealous, but I can’t seem to get use to the idea of you going with other fellows. Still I know I can’t expect you not to go out but  do hope that you won’t forget about me between these vacations.

I slept for awhile this afternoon, not that I meant to but I was reading Leigh Hunt again and the next thing I knew it was 4:45, that book must have that effect on me, if I remember right I went to sleep over it for a few minutes one time before.

Say, do you think Ruth would consider a date with Hank after the game on the 7th. He doesn’t believe he has to go back to Chicago till 2:00 in the morning, and he would like to have one. It would not be really certain but you might ask her.

By what Elaine says dinner must be about ready so will stop now and write a little after while.

(45 min. later)

January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 3
January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois, Page 3

I can just barely move. I have been eating soup for the last 45 min. Elaine and Stanley said hello and wished you were here to eat soup with us. (They don’t wish it half as much as I do.)

I have some math. to get and then I want to get back to school and finish some Chem.   I have just found out that the Chem course is to be lengthened next semester. There will be 3 hour labs and one quiz and two lectures.

I found out my exam schedule today my last exam will be over Tues. Feb. 3. We register Fri. and Sat. the 6th & 7th I will probably register Fri. morning at least I better then I will get to leave that afternoon.

Pardon the stationery.

Write soon.

With all my love,


January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois
January 8, 1942, Evanston, Illinois