Fractures and Dislocations: Burst Fractures

Normal Views

C-Spine Evaluation


Fractures and Dislocations Facet Dislocation - Subluxation

Burst Fractures:  Stable

These have the same mechanism as a Jefferson Fracture but are located at C3 to C7. Comminuted fractures with variable retropulsion of posterior fracture fragments are common.  Typically, the C-spine is straight and alignment of posterior elements is normal. 

Injury to spinal cord (due to displacement of posterior fragments) is common.

These fractures are ideally evaluated by CT scanning.

The left film shows a C5 Burst Fracture. The right film is a magnified view of the C5 fracture.

This CT image demonstrates the C5 Burst Fracture.

This section written by:

LCDR Ron Boucher, MC, USN
LT Hugh McSwain, MC, USN

With some assistance from:

CDR Michael Puckett, MC, USN
ENS Robert Post, MC, USNR


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