Fractures and Dislocations: Dens

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C-Spine Evaluation


Fractures and Dislocations Facet Dislocation - Subluxation

Fractures of the dens are commonly classified into 3 types with type II being the most common:

  • TYPE 1 - Avulsion fracture of the tip. It is considered stable, but may represent detachment of the alar ligament (atlanto-occipital disassociation). Rare.
  • TYPE II -   Fracture at base of ondontoid (poor blood supply kind of like scaphoid, non-union in 65%). Most Common. Poor blood supply. Unstable.
  • TYPE III -  Fracture through  base of ondontoid into body of axis: (best prognosis for healing, but unstable.

Anterior tilt of ondontoid on lateral view is highly suspicious for fracture. 

Prevertebral soft tissue swelling may be the only sign.              

Dens Type II Fracture (OND view)

Dens Type II Fracture, Lateral View

Dens Type II Fracture on CT     

This section written by:

LCDR Ron Boucher, MC, USN
LT Hugh McSwain, MC, USN

With some assistance from:

CDR Michael Puckett, MC, USN
ENS Robert Post, MC, USNR


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