Lesson 1. The Reproductive Systems

Section I. The Female Reproductive System

Section II. The Male Reproductive System

Section III. Events of Pregnancy

Lesson 1. Self-Test


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

1-1. Identify the various parts of the female and male reproductive systems.

1-2. Identify functions of the female and male reproductive organs.

1-3. Identify the pathway of ova in the female reproductive system.

1-4. Identify the pathway of sperm in the male reproductive system.

1-5. Identify the major events of pregnancy:

  • Fertilization.
  • Implantation.
  • Gestation.
  • Parturition.

SUGGESTION After completing the assignment, answer the questions of this lesson. These Self-Test exercises will help you to achieve the lesson objectives.

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