Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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a. Discussion. Endoscopy is the inspection of a body cavity or a hollow viscus (organ) by the means of an endoscope.


b. Suffix. The suffix denoting endoscopy is -scopy. Endoscopic study may be performed on many parts of the body, including those listed in Table 2-1.


Procedure                   Site


Anoscopy                 the anus.


Bronchoscopy        the bronchus.


Cystoscopy         the urinary bladder.


Esophagoscopy      the esophagus.


Gastroscop              the stomach.


Laryngoscopy            the larynx.


Otoscopy                     the ear.


Proctoscopy              the rectum.


Rhinoscopy                 the nose.


Thoracoscopy              the chest.


Tracheoscopy            the trachea.


Urethroscopy              the urethra.



Table 2-1. Endoscopy procedures.



c. Combined Procedures. The surgeon may elect to combine endoscopy with one or more other surgical procedures--for example, he may perform bronchoscopy with removal of a foreign body or cystoscopy with drainage. Operative procedures that may be done in combination with endoscopic procedures are as follows:


(1) Biopsy.


(2) Dilation.


(3) Drainage.


(4) Excision.


(5) Injection.


(6) Irrigation.


(7) Removal.

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