Introduction to the Operating Room

LESSON 2: Operating Room Personnel, Policies, and Nomenclature


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a. Discussion. Introduction is the placement of a substance into the body.


b. Terms Used. Suffixes are not required to indicate operations involving introduction procedures. The following terms are used:

(1) Injection--the forcing of a material such as radiopaque dye, oil, alcohol, air, etc., into a part of the body is classified as an operative procedure.


(2) Transfusion--the introduction of whole blood or its derivatives (plasma, serum albumin) directly into the bloodstream.


(3) Implantation--the placement of a prosthetic device into the orbit following enucleation of an eyeball (for example--a plastic implant). Also, the fixation of a portion of tissue such as skin, nerve, tendon, or bone into a new site in the body. Such portions of tissue are called grafts and operations for the implantation of grafts are classified as plastic procedures (see para 2-8b(1)).


(4) Insertions--the introduction of materials such as radium (or other radioactive substance), packs, tampons, drains, and so forth, into the body.

c. Procedures.

(1) Injection.

(a) Ventriculography--x-ray of the head following the removal of cerebral fluid from the ventricles and its replacement by air (or other contrast medium).


(b) Arteriography, cerebral--x-ray of the arteries of the brain following injection of a dye (radiopaque material) into the bloodstream.


(c) Myelography--x-ray of the spinal cord following injection of a contrast medium into the spinal canal.


(d) Injection into the nerve--95 percent alcohol or other substance may be injected into a nerve to relieve pain in the part of the body supplied by the nerve.

(2) Transfusion.

(a) Blood transfusion, indirect--administration of whole blood that has been withdrawn from a donor into a container, and kept refrigerated until ready for use.


(b) Plasma transfusion--the intravenous administration of blood plasma.


(3) Implantation.


Implantation of plastic prosthesis following enucleation of the eyeball.


(4) Insertion.

(a) Insertion of radioactive substance into the uterus--done as treatment for malignant tumor.


(b) Insertion, post-partum, of intrauterine pack--done to control post-partum hemorrhage.

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