Nursing Care Related to the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems


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Tonsilitis is inflammation of the palatine tonsils, a pair of lymphatic tissue structures, and one located on each side of the oropharynx. Enlargement of the adenoids, a large mass of lymphoid tissue at the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, often accompanies acute tonsilitis.

a. Symptoms include a painful and inflamed throat, difficulty swallowing, and enlarged tonsils with exudate that appears as white or yellow spots.


b. Treatment includes warm throat irrigations and analgesics. A throat culture at the tonsillar site is done to determine the type of bacteria present, and antibiotic therapy is initiated.


c. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are indicated when treatment is unsuccessful and antibiotics cannot control frequent recurrent infections or when hypertrophy or peritonsillar abscess threaten to occlude the airway.



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