Nursing Care Related to the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems


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a. The role of the nursing paraprofessional in cardiac arrest is one of extreme importance in saving a life, as the paraprofessional may be the first one to observe the emergency. It is necessary to have a well-planned course of action in mind at all times, in order to be prepared for an emergency. The nursing paraprofessional must:

(1) Be proficient in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).


(2) Be familiar with local standard operating procedures (SOP) for "CODE" procedures, including whom to call and how to reach them.


(3) Be able to locate and operate emergency equipment.


(4) Be ready to assist in the activities of code management at the direction of the physician or professional nurse.

b. The following items are found in a standard "crash cart."

(1) Emergency drugs.


(2) Intravenous infusion equipment.


(3) Needles and syringes.


(4) Intubation equipment, oral airways.


(5) Ambu bag with assorted masks and connecting tubing.


(6) Oxygen equipment.



(7) Suction equipment.


(8) Assorted dressing materials.


(9) There should be a defibrillator/cardiac monitor available if one is not located on or near the crash cart.

c. It is not necessary for the paraprofessional to be familiar with every single item that is found in a crash cart or emergency kit. It is important, however, to be familiar with the cart and the general layout of its contents. This will save precious time in an emergency. All paraprofessional nursing personnel should be proficient in the use of oxygen and suction equipment.

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