Nursing Care Related to the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems


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a. Cardiac arrest, also known as sudden cardiac death, is defined as the sudden, unexpected cessation of the heartbeat and circulation. This occurs when the heart action stops entirely or the heart fibrillates. Causes of sudden cardiac death include the following:

(1) Cardiac arrhythmias.


(2) Myocardial infarction.


(3) Shock.


(4) Drowning.


(5) Electrocution.


(6) Carbon monoxide poisoning.


(7) Anoxia.


b. The absence of peripheral pulses and heart sounds is all that is necessary to make the diagnosis. There is a period of about four minutes between the cessation of circulation and the onset of irreversible brain damage. For this reason, it is imperative that resuscitation begins immediately. Resuscitation requires that two basic life support functions be restored: blood must be pumped through the body and oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange must occur. Restoration of one function without the other is not adequate.

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