Treating Fractures in the Field

Lesson 2: Spinal Injuries
Section II: Immobilizing a Suspected Spinal Injury


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Record the treatment given the casualty on a U.S. Field Medical Card and attach the card to the casualty's clothing. Open a standard litter and place it on the ground near the casualty. Have at least four bearers lift the long spine board in unison, move the casualty over the litter, and gently lower the long spine board in the middle of the litter in unison. Keep the board and the casualty as level as possible during the procedure. Evacuate the casualty using an appropriate four-man litter carry as described in Subcourse MD0001, Evacuation in the Field. If a litter is not available, the casualty can be evacuated using the long spine board as the litter. If a short spine board has been applied, the casualty must be placed on a long spine board or litter before being evacuated.



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