On the right side of the folder was a series of monthly reports of his flying time, indicating the date, number of hours, type of aircraft, his role as a pilot or co-pilot, and whether the hours were during the day or at night. I also included his cumulative flight hours.
At the time he was shot down, Tom had accumulated 219 hours of flight time as a first pilot, and 554 hours of total flight time.
On the left side of the folder were a variety of documents, including flying orders, transfer orders, several certifications as a qualified pilot and signed acknowledgements of his review of certain documents or receipt of training.

Folded and left loose in the folder was an exhortation from the Base Commander of the Santa Ana Army Air Base.
Flight Logs (Right Side)
- AAF FORM NO. 5, INDIVIDUAL FLIGHT RECORD, October Through November, 1943
- AAF FORM NO. 5, INDIVIDUAL FLIGHT RECORD, December, 1943 Through January, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5S February, 1944 Through April, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, April, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, May, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, June, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, July, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, August, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, September, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, October, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, November, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, December, 1944
- AAF Form No. 5, January, 1945
- AAF Form No. 5, February, 1945
- AAF Form No. 5, March, 1945
- AAF Form No. 5, April, 1945
Other Documents (Left Side)
- Special Orders 16 March 1945
- Compliance Letter 13 December 1944
- Compliance Letter 15 January 1945
- Compliance Letter 2 December 1944
- Directive Letter 30 September 1943
- Army Air Force Manual Number 17 Certificate
- P-61 Demonstration Flight
- Pilot Information File Certificate
- Pilot Information File Certificate Receipt
- Pilot Information File Certificate Receipt
- Temporary Pilot Information File Certificate
- Pilot’s Information File
- First Pilot Qualification
- Transition to P-70 Certificate
- Transition to P-61 Certificate
- Instrument Certification
- Flight Orders