I was so tired when I got in last night that I had to wait till this morning to write. We have really been busy since we have been here and the way things look it’s going to continue that way.
As Zoe told you I got my R.O. his name is Harold Anderson and he is also a 2nd Lt. So far I think he is going to be O.K. as he is pretty eager and you can’t tell an awful lot about their ability as they are just learning themselves. We flew yesterday afternoon and then last night. The weather was awful and they had to call us in last night at 11:30. It was raining just about all the time. From the looks of things they will let you fly in just about everything, I am glad we have had all the instrument training they gave us.

Zoe went out earlier this morning as she thought she had a place lined up to live. She made me stay in bed and I wasn’t awake enough to argue with her very much. I think Zoe and Jean are going out to the field with me this afternoon. They can go to a show out there tonight and then come back with us after we finish which should be around 10:00 P.M.

Say, can you send the radio out to me. Just send it to my address at the base. Zoe just came back and we think we have a room or an Apt. Bob Clyde and his wife Jean are going to live with us.
I am going to have to close so I can catch my bus out to the base. We’ll try and do better at our letter writing from now on. Tell everyone at 828 hello and that we’ll write them soon.
With love,