March 2nd.
“at sea”.

Dear Folks,
This letter will be for everyone because there really isn’t much sense in writing duplicate letters. lTo tell you what has been going on that’s all they would be. First of all I’d much rather be flying than rolling along in a boat, and I do mean rolling. I haven’t been sick yet and I doubt very much if I do, but I am sorry to say that there are many less fortunate than my self. Andy didn’t feel to sharp tonight before dinner but after eating he was OI. I think the best thing to do is keep active, don’t miss any meals and don’t lay in the bunk all the time. The food is good and we have pretty nice quarters. Alittle crowded but not too bad. There are six of us in one stateroom and I think we have the best deal of anyone on the ship. We have three decker beds with nice built up sides to keep you rom rolling off but they are comfortable. All the sailors on the ship say that we have had it smooth so far, however, I think they are just trying to scare us. The weather has been nice in fact I even got in alittle sun bathing this afternoon. There isn’t an awfully lot to do. They try to give each officer some sort of detail to take charge of which takes about 2 hrs. a day. The rest of the time we spend in playing cards and laying around. Bridge seems to be the main game and just about everyone knows how to play. The ships store is suppose to open tomorrow but so far there hasn’t been a chance to spend any money. I got on the boat with 43 cents in change in my pocket and still have 43 cents. At least I’m saving money.

Cleda, I’ve thought about you and your seasickness alot and I must say that you had what it took to make it down to the Canal Zone when you and Dad went down there.
Dad, how is everything at the hospital? I guess your busy season will soon be over. When do you plan on taking your vacation and are you going down to Greenville?
I guess Karen and Tom are both OK. and Elaine told Tom to hurry up and grow up so that the younger side of the Cartmell household will be able to have access to a playpen, etc.
I haven’t received any mail for sometime. I’ll probably get a nice big stack of it someday. What a day that will be, I can hardly wait.
Well there isn’t much more that I can tell you so I guess I’ll crawl back to bed, and the way this rooms rocking I do mean crawl.
Hasta La Vista –
With love,