March 15, 45.
“In Italy”

Dear Folks,
This will have to be another joint letter but hope you don’t mind. Besides there isn’t an awfully lot that I can say other than I am mighty glad that this boy was born in the U.S. I think about everyone feels the same way. I’ll be able to tell you more at a later date but from what I have seen so far someone has really given this country a going over.
I am enclosing alittle allied currency that we have to exchange all our American currency for, one lire is equal to 1 cent, a 100 lire bill is about like a dollar bill.

I just about froze last night. We have tents with wooden floors (the difference between officers quarter and enlisted men’s) but no stoves. I had two blankets on the bottom of the cot (canvas), two sleeping bags, one inside the other, and two more blankets on top. I wore P.J.’s and socks. They say to keep your face out of the bag, but after freezing for several hours I went down in the sack and zipped it closed. It was till cold but not so drafty. Tonight I’m wearing my flying boots and heavy flying gear. I have heard that awhile back several of the boys in one tent pulled up part of the floor and built a fire in the middle. Another night like last and I think I’ll follow suit.
Our food is pretty good and the mess building and officers club look something like something the Germans used.
There isn’t much else to say, I did get some letters from Zoe but so far that’s all. However, the mail service isn’t to certain and most of hers had been forwarded to me from Hammer.
Hope everything is OK with all of you. I’m OK and things don’t look too bad.