Dear Dad.
We got your letter today and it was really swell to hear from you. Things are going good here in fact better than we had planned on. The weather has held us up so along with that set back and then my sick spell a few days ago I am going to be here another month and the way things look I might even get a leave in a couple of weeks. If it does work out the way we sort of had it planned was to go direct to St. Louis where the Forans could meet us and then if you could drive down we could go back to Chicago with you, and then we could spend the rest of my leave there. However, we can work that out later when things are alittle more definite.

I still have about 39 hrs. to get in the P61 and the way things look they are going to send about 10 of us over to Salinas or Palmdale for about 3 or 4 days so we can finish up our time. I think we will go this Wed. All the Widows are over at Salinas now so they will have to ferry us over there so we can bring them back. We have had about a 300 foot ceiling here for the last 2 weeks which isn’t quite high enough to come in safely.
Mort B. is home on leave now and he will also be in my bunch, I’ll be able to tell you more about my future as I can’t say much in a letter. The 61 is really a sweet ship and a pleasure to fly.

What do you think about a Doctor for Zoe when she gets home? I thought of Van and Dr. Mark but it is pretty far. She thought that Dr. Schyler at Litchfield would be more current for them in driving, but can’t they get gas for that sort of thing? Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Zoe has been fine, however, she has been sick at her stomach but from what I understand you can expect as much. She has been going out to the base to the Dr.
It really sounds as if you are having typical Chicago weather up there. I hope it isn’t too cold that it is uncomfortable.

I am enclosing some snap shots that we took here at our place. Thought you might like to see them. Show them to E+S+Cleda.
Don’t work too hard and here’s hoping that we get to see you ion a few weeks.
With love,
Dear Dad,

We certainly enjoyed your letter. Tom said he told you about getting a leave. If he does, you needn’t drive down home to meet us unless you really want to make the trip – I know what a long drive it is by yourself of course maybe Stanley and Elaine would like to come along. If not we can take the train from Hillsboro. I know this is one of your busiest times at the hospital as you do whatever is the most convenient for you.
Most of my clothes are just a little tight – I tried to get Tom to go shopping with me for one of those dresses which allow you to expand more gracefully but Tom really put his foot down and won’t even go near on of those shops. Maybe I can change his mind in the future. (But I doubt it, Tom)