My Darling,
Undoubtedly many poets have written about the hell of this kind of life so I won’t try to express how I feel. Other, than to say that I miss you an awful lot honey, in fact this evening was the first time I have been able to eat since I have been back. Everywhere that I go reminds me of a time that you and I were there together, even a little thing such as standing on the corner waiting for a bus. Perhaps someday when we look back on these days it will all seem very funny, but at the present I can’t even work up a smile over any of it. I guess I never did have much of a sense of humor. Honey, I hope you’re not laughing at me for the way I feel and I even hope that maybe you miss me just a little also.

This morning I went out to the base about 11:00 and couldn’t eat anything so I went over to the gym and took my P.F.R. test. My stomach is getting sore already, and maybe it’s my imagination but I think it’s just alittle flatter. I then went and got my pay and also a cashier’s check which I am sending to you. Let me know if you receive it O.K. Came back to the apt. and took a bath, took my watch downtown and met Andy. We went to the show, which got out around 8:00, and then came out and got something to eat at “Bud & Lill’s,” (during which time I kept thinking of you). When we came back to the apt. Bob and Jean were here and had gotten in in the afternoon. Bob had been sick all the time on his leave so I guess that sort of ruined it alittle for them. Their train trip was just about like our’s. We have to be out at the base at 8:30 in the morning to finish processing and then we graduate Sat., this army life is certainly full of graduations. Anyway we get a diploma which I’ll send to you which you can keep to remember the “battle of Fresno” by.

I am going to walk up to the corner and mail this letter so will cut it short.
Honey have you been to the doctor yet? What does he say? Let me know all about everything as soon as you can.
Tell your Dad that all the fellows think the _____ is pretty nice and I’ve even had offers for trades.
I got a carton of cigarettes for Harry today which I’ll send when I send a box to you. By the way I sent you a barrette, or something, which I had them send from downtown, let me know if you don’t get it.

This just about covers the past 24 hrs. and honey take awfully good care of yourself. Hello to the folks.
Darling, I love you very much.
I still have a couple more special delivery stamps to use.