Dear Folks,

Well only one more thing to do and we are ready to leave. We take our overseas physical Mon. morning and leave Thurs. It might be that I’ll get a delay enroute maybe through St. Louis. If I do I probably won’t know but just a short time ahead and even then I don’t know if we’ll be able to telephone or telegraph.
I think I have just about had my fill of farewells at least they are getting harder to take and harder to get rid of as time goes by. However, I am not the only one as just about everyone was feeling mighty low when they returned from their leaves. It would been better if they had really put us to work digging ditches or something. Anyway we’re all in the same boat and things could be worse.

I got my typhoid booster shot this morning and it has really been working on me. Had a few chills this afternoon and haven’t felt any too sharp all day, but I always did have trouble with those typhoid shots.
We had graduation this afternoon which was good for a laugh. Gen. Parker, C.O. of the 4th AF, came out with an order that all training schools had to hold graduation exercises. Something about it helping morale.
Oh yes, tell Elaine and Stan that the Reader’s Digest have started coming. Jan. and Feb. came today. I received all your folk letter Thurs. and it was really swell to get it and I know that it did alot more toward building up my morale than our graduation did.

Hope the kids are all fine and tell E. + S. and everyone hello. I want to thank all of you for a swell leave, and I hope the next one isn’t too far away.
Goodnight –
Love, Tom.