Dear Folks,

This is your bearer of glad things again, this time with the latest and most interesting news. Dad you and Cleda are going to have someone calling you “po pa” + “mo ma”. Anyway we are going to have an addition to our family. We hadn’t exactly planned on it this soon but with things as they are I’m satisfied and Zoe seems to be. Now we’d like to know what Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie E. and Uncle S. think about it?
We had a swell Christmas considering we were way out here in Calif. at least it was about 130% better than last years. We didn’t have to fly Christmas Day, were suppose to fly Sun. afternoon but the fog got too bad. We went to the show Sun evening “Winged Victory”, it was pretty good and was alot like our cadet training in fact alot of the scenes were taken at Santa Ana. See it if you can.

We tried to call you yesterday. but were informed that there was a 12 to 14 hr. delay and as you know we weren’t able to reach you. We really had a swell dinner and alot of the fellows were here, but I’ll let Zoe tell you more about that. Dad, before I forget it I received the checks and thanks alot. I am writing to Mr. McCune tonight to start a joint account with Zoe. We’ll send him those checks, Zoe has one to send and then I’ll have her allotment made out to the bank. They advise this in the finance office.
We really want to thank you for the birthday and Christmas presents and certainly hope you were as well satisfied with yours as we are with ours. The box with Zoe’s case and my powder and the cookies came today the pants haven’t come yet but that takes time. I got the gloves and they are just the thing, rabbit lined.
It is about 11:00 PM. now and I have to be out at the field to fly at 1:30. We are suppose to be down by 5:00 AM. but they expect the weather to close in after we leave and will probably have to land at Bakersfield. The fog usually clears here by noon so we can get in then. We have been going since this 7:00 this morning and the way things look now will be going till 12:30 tomorrow night. That’s what we get for taking Christmas off.
Zoe will add some more tomorrow and I’ll sign off for now and try to get a few winks.
Tell everyone at 828 hello and give them my love.
With love,

Dear Folks –
Hope you enjoyed Christmas as much as we did – of course it would have been better if we could have been home. Andy (Tom’s R.O.) and his wife were here besides quite a few fellows. We had a 25 lb. turkey which just barely fit into our oven. He was so heavy after we stuffed him with dressing that Jean and I could scarcely lift him. For dessert we had mince meat and cherry pie – in fact Jean, Marg, and I worked for two days preparing the dinner. It was worth it because the fellows seem to enjoy the dinner very much.
I want to thank you so much for the make-up bag and my birth day present – they were really lovely gifts. The make up bag matches the trimming of my other suitcase so you couldn’t have picked a more appropriate color. And the cookies were so good – as soon as Tom opened them, he made a dive for those butter-ball cookies – said you hadn’t forgotten his favorite.

About the wedding presents – we have received some mostly money. I think it would be all right to have them send to Sorento since I’ll probably be staying there for quite some time.
I don’t know if Tom told you or not but Bill Van Meter was up to see us last week. He stayed over=night – it was really quite a reunion. He’s planning on being married some time in January and wants us to stand up with them if we can. Although I rather doubt if Tom will be able to make it. since he has so little free time. We wanted him to come back for Christmas but he had already planned to spend the day with Karl.

I never received the __________. Guess it was lost in the mad Christmas rush – but I want you to know I certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness anyway.

I wish you could have seen the centerpiece for our table – Andy bought it at a florist’s shop and it was really beautiful – holly, pine cones and red candles. We ate our dinner by candle light.