Friday night
March 9th
“at sea”

Dear Elaine, Stan, Karen and Tom,
Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink – whoever wrote that knew what he was talking about. Not that we haven’t got plenty of drinking water but still there’s water everywhere. As yet I haven’t gotten sick on the trip but this laying around is making us pretty soft. About all there is to do is play cards, sleep, go up on deck, sleep, eat, etc. Really nothing very strenuous about the whole thing unless you would consider climbing up the steps exercise. I had been getting up for breakfast up until a few days ago, however, they turned for the worse so consequently stateroom 312 has been “sleeping in” the past few mornings.
We have still been having nice weather, once in awhile alittle rain squall but usually nice blue sky with a fairly warm breeze. It would be a nice trip on a peace time boat with the entertainment, etc.
Haven’t heard an awful lot of war news, but what little we have heard sounds pretty good. Here’s hoping it continues that way.

How is everything going with all of you? I am looking forward to some letters when we arrive at our destination. You and the folks will probably receive your letters all on the same day. Let me know how long it takes for this letter to get across to you. Sometime when we get to our final stop- I’ll send you a V-mail and regular air mail and we can see which arrives first. Personally, I don’t care too much for V-mail and most of the stories that I’ve heard say that it takes longer.
We have been having quite a discussion on this boat riding and I think everyone agrees that it is getting mighty boring. As yet we haven’t gone stir crazy and started jumping down one anothers throats but that would probably be the next stage.
There isn’t much more to say, as I told about the quarters in the letter to the folks.
Tell the kids and everyone else hello for me.
Love, Tom