Thurs. noon.
Dear Elaine, Stan, Karen and Tom,
I hope you two don’t have a couple sets of twins or it will take up a couple of lines just for the heading. What I could do though is just put DESKT (Dear E, S, K+T), however that sounds too much like LSMFT[1]LSMFT is the abbreviation for “Lucky Strike means fine tobacco”, and advertising slogan for Lucky Strike cigarettes. and I’m not selling cigarettes.
At the present time everyone is sitting around waiting to leave. So far no one has broken down but they say you can expect it on the train. I think they are kidding but you can’t ever tell. A few of the fellows have had so much liquor in them for the past week that I hardly expect them to make the trip, but this is more the exception as we only have a couple of drunkards in the outfit.

I am sorry I haven’t written sooner but our time has been pretty short and we’ve had a lot to do in it.
Andy, has been running around all morning ring to finish clearing the base. I got mine finished yesterday afternoon when he had to go to the dentist. Clearing a post is really a headache, you have to go around to all the different depts. and get their signature on a paper saying that as far as they are concerned you don’t owe them anything. It usually rains when you are doing this just to make it ,ore interesting. It did yesterday also.

Time is passing so I had better close. Give the kids a kiss for me and hope they are both fine.
With love, Tom

↑1 | LSMFT is the abbreviation for “Lucky Strike means fine tobacco”, and advertising slogan for Lucky Strike cigarettes. |