Wed. night

Hello –
I have really had it soft the last few days, however, if I had been feeling better I could have enjoyed it more. Had some ear trouble and a cold and got grounded and then I got the flu and asthma. If I hadn’t had such a good nurse I am afraid I would never have pulled through, it makes it pretty nice having someone around. I am still grounded but should get cleared in a couple of days. The way things look I might be here another month and might even get a leave. The weather has been so bad that no one has been able to get in any time. I didn’t even go out to the field today in fact I still have on my pj’s. We had a fire in the fireplace all day as it has really been cold outside. It really sounds like we are leading a lazy life out here doesn’t it? However, this is usually not the case.
We really had a nice Christmas and I want to thank you for the presents.

I received the Readers’ Digest Sat through the mail and thanks alot for everything.
I imagine you saw in the letter to the folks where we were expecting an addition to the family. This isn’t the best time be raising babies, but we’ve started. At least Karen and Tom will have a 1st cousin now.
The general here on the base has really been tearing his hair over our not getting in our time. We weren’t schedule to fly New Year’s Eve or N.Y Day, but at the last minute he tried to call everyone back to fly both times, however, after calling every bar and every other place of any reason they gave up. The half dozen fellows that they did corner didn’t have to fly because it really socked in with fog. Mort Blaisdell was really sweating it out because Laurale came down for acouple of days.
Tell the folks hello and we’ll write them soon. Hope all of Dad’s patients from the gas blast are OK. Goodnight.
Love, Tom
Wednesday Night

Dear Folks,
Tom and I are sitting here enjoying our fireplace – this is really the life! We had dinner tonight on our coffee table next to the fire and roasted our wieners there. Had soft lights and dinner music, don’t suppose we could ask for any more. Tom hasn’t been feeling so well but I think he is on the road to recovery as he seemed so much better today. He had quite a cold – I tied a cloth around his neck one night plus some Vick’s salve but he fussed so much about it I had to take it off – otherwise he was a pretty good patient, even drank warm milk, which is more than I could do.

We really enjoyed your letter telling us about Karen – I can imagine how much she enjoyed Christmas – wish we could have been there to see you.
We had a very nice Christmas – your presents were really lovely. Thank you so much. The table cloth came in so handy – we used it on the table at our Xmas dinner. Our dining room chairs are upholstered in red leather so everything matched beautifully.