Dear Dad,
After receiving your letter this morning I have decided that my last letter must have been more of a shock to you than I thought it would bel. However, it still stands as I wrote it. I know you haven’t cared for Zoe or any of the girls that I have gone with, as for that matter you didn’t care so much for Stanley, and if my marriage works out as well as that one I’ll be more than satisfied. Dad, I don’t know if Zoe will fit in to the family or not but I think that will depend more or less upon the family. I do know that Zoe is the girl I want to marry and all the things you had against her seemed awfully petty under the circumstances. I don’t want to do anything against you, but Dad, I wish you would look at things in alittle different way. Zoe is going to get a leave of absence and come out here before so very long. I think I told you in my last letter that I am staying here another month so will be leaving the states around the middle of Jan. instead of Dec. We get 38 hrs. more of gunnery which will be good experience. I have always thought over all the advice you have given me and I have been thinking your letter over all day but Dad I never would have given Zoe the ring if I didn’t want it to mean everything it should.

It is almost mid-night and they are getting ready to close the club so will have to cut this short. We start our new schedule Tues. but don’t know if I’ll be able to fly then or not. I have been in all weekend with a touch of the flu. The flt. surgeon didn’t give me any sulfa but he did take me off flying. He thought I’d be able to fly Tues. The weather here is really good for colds. The fog still hangs around and now the fronts are starting to move in. We had the first rain this morning that I have seen here. From about Nov. 1st till March this state is pretty bad for weather. Alot of cold fronts moving through that make up a string of thunderstorms. One of your biggest worries is ice, there is very little warning and not much to do about it when it once forms.
Time to close – Goodnight –
With love,