Wed. Night

Dear Folks,
As you can no doubt see I have acquired a new secretary. (She’s worse than I am – hope you can read this because so far I can’t.)
We are trying to get ready to leave Friday morning. As I told you Zoe and Bob Clyde‘s wife are driving over in one of the boy’s car. Bob is flying over tomorrow to get hotel reservations and see what we can find out about places to stay.
Mort tore up a plane last night. He wasn’t hurt but run off the runway in the sand and tried to come back on when the front nose-wheel broke off. The plane dropped down and caved in the nose and ruined both engines. The colonel called a meeting today and from the sound of things they are going to try to court martial and dock him part of his salary. The day before mort brought one in on one engine and made a beautiful landing.

(In Tom’s handwriting…)
Zoe just quit to go take a bath and she says hello. In case you can’t read her writing or mine either it’s because of the position.
This moving job is really getting to be a problem. We are going to ship Zoe’s trunk and I can take all my stuff with me.
I haven’t been very busy lately just working about a half a day. However, at Fresno, that will change. Most of our flying there will be at nights and we’ll also get a great deal ground school and P.T.
Say about the radio, if you can get it packed up we’ll send you our address as soon as we get to Fresno. We miss a radio an awful lot and it would be swell to have it.

We are going to send you some wedding pictures as soon as we get something to send them in. They really turned out pretty good. Also sending one of the post papers with one in it.
We both have our ration points now and the food has been plenty good. We have been eating here most of the time.
There isn’t much more to say, keep your fingers crossed for us in getting a good place to stay at Fresno. Cleda, about the cards, don’t you think we could use them anyway?
Give our loved to everyone at 828 and wish we could see you soon.
With love,
Tom + Zoe