
Dear Dad and Folks at 828,
Just wrote to Cleda a short letter and through I’d do the same for you before we shove off. I still have a few things to do in clearing the post and haven’t started to pack yet. We leave early in the morning and won’t have any time then.
Say Dad I am sending an article out of a magazine that I read. See if you can find out anything about it and if it is worth trying. Also what the stuff is that you ask for at the drug store if it is just ascorbic acid or can you get a Vitamin C. concentrate in any other form such as capsules? I also thought that orange juice was one of my reactions.
I went into Lemoore last night and had dinner with Jim Brewer and Edith. They got them a new car a 1941 Buick so we drove over to Hanford.

I’ll let you folks know my address as soon as possible after we get there.
With love,