Unlike the day fighter pilots who all got a 15 day leave, Tom’s night fighter pilot group got no leave, which disappointed him. He and his roommates took an overnight weekend trip to Sequoia National Park in the mountains, and describes some of the many pleasures of the trip. Tom says that when the war is over, he wants to come back and visit Sequoia again.
Thurs nite.

Dear folks – Well am still here, but leaving the 6th supposedly for Salinas – but our orders don’t state where. Just a few of us are leaving out of our group and Mort + I were lucky enough to be in on it. I think I should have picked day fighters as all of them are getting a 15 day furlough with travel time from here. Those that live in Chi. get 21 days. However it seems like the night fighters are still pretty much in demand so consequently we continue as planned. Therefore Dad you better go ahead and take your vacation whenever you want to, as now I don’t know when or if we will get a furlough. If we do get one it will probably be in about 3 months, so if you can + want to wait till then it will probably work out. It will really be good to get back to flying again, as every one here is getting pretty __________, none of us can figure out why they are only taking so few of us unless it would be for replacements to fill in the group ahead of us, if that is true we probably will be rushed through pretty fast.

I sent you folks some things from “Sequoia Park” 3 of us hitchhiked a ride up there Sat. afternoon and came back Sunday evening. It was really nice up there and had a swell time. It is about 7000 feet up____ + cool. Nice cabins, + the best nights sleep that I or any of us have had for ages. Mort got a ride home so didn’t go with us, but I + my other 2 room mates went. It’s about 90 miles to the place from here and really up in the mountains. The road up to it is as bad (or as scary) as the old Sante Fe Trail. However it was well worth it, the giant trees _____________ are worth it, and the forest” ______ ______. Some day when this is over I want to go back and stay longer than 24 hrs. I hope you and Cleda can use the things in your apt. up there. + Elaine the little wooden shoes are pin cushions. I had to ask what they were for. I doubt if you can use them but I thought they were cute. Karen would really have had a time up there during the camp fire Sat nite , a bear with 3 cubs following her came walking right thorough the camp. There were also a lot of deer running around. that you could just about pet. Stan they didn’t have a golf course, but you wouldn’t have any trouble getting ___ ______. We were going to “Yosemite” this weekend but our orders changed our minds. That’s about all there is for me now. Dad, I’ll try + get a picture of the diff. wings and send it to you.
With Love