Mon. night.

Dear Folks, (This includes everyone in Chicago)
Dad, send us your street address or else you will do without your birthday present.
Well here goes, I try to tell you what’s been going on. We were married Sat. evening in the Chapel as you know. Suppose to have had a rehearsal Fri. evening but Zoe didn’t get in till late that night. Anyway the Chaplain briefed us all before hand so it really went off OI. The Chaplain’s name is Capt. Charles Close, he knew Rev. Lohr real well as he was a Presbyterian minister before getting in the army.

Laurale Martin, Mort’s girl came down from Berkeley and was maid of honor. Mort was the best man, Lt. + Mrs. Clyde were the attendants and Lt. John Erickson gave the bride away. John came in and had dinner with us this evening. We had some pictures taken so we’ll send you some as soon as they are ready. As far as I can remember this is about all maybe Zoe can elaborate alittle more. I was suppose to fly Sun. + Mon. but the Capt in charge said he didn’t want to see me till Tues. morning. We’ll be leaving here around the 10th and certainly hope we are as lucky there at finding a place to stay. Say Dad when we get there how about sending out my radio if you aren’t using it. You can have it back in 2 mos.
I’ll let Zoe add a note. Wish you could have been here.
With Love,
P.S. Elaine, you and Cleda, get up a list of announcements of the relatives and send them + the addresses to Mrs. Foran[1]Zoe’s mother. Count these in the number that she wanted ordered. I am not having her send any to the relation except you folks. Includes all the aunts, uncles, etc. and by the way send me Auntie’s address. Do you understand all this stuff? If not have Cleda call Mrs. Foran. Include one to Carl Abt, because I don’t have his address.

Seems like Tom has left quite a bit out as far as the wedding goes. It was really very nice. The chapel was all decorated with flowers, and we had soft organ music through out the ceremony. One of the fellows from the base sang a couple of songs “Because” and “Oh. Promise Me.” We had a double-ring ceremony – I have a copy of it to keep. I wore an orchid and both the other girls had Gardenia corsages. We were even showered with rice as we came out of the church so everything was quite complete.
Love, Zoe

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