Thurs. night
19 Oct. 44

Dear Stan, Elaine, Karen and Tom, –
You get many more in your family and I’ll have to use two lines for the beginning.
I received your letter today and I must say that it was really swell to get it. I am really relieved about the whole thing, especially to know that you both approve, and I am certain that Zoe feels better about the whole thing now that things are settled. I don’t know yet for certain when Zoe will be out here but if things work out as expected we’ll be married here in the Chapel. I’ll let you know the details as soon as I know them, so far this is almost like getting married by proxy.
It really sounded as if you had a swell time even after you got back to Chicago. I wish I could have been there with you, especially on your trip to the zoo with Karen and Tom. Dad told me about Tom’s little spell and I am certainly glad that everything is OK and that it wasn’t serious.
Congratulations on the new raise. As for myself I’ll be getting a little more after we get married, but Stan don’t you imagine my living expenses will be alittle more? I thought so.
Thanks alot for the pictures, aside from one person they are OK. Mort and I both got a kick out of the clipping.

Stan, I think you covered just about everything that I have been thinking over for the last several weeks. As for my plans after the war; if the opportunity arose to stay in the army with your present rating I would consider it very strongly, especially for a couple of years till things settle down. If this doesn’t work, I’d like to go into commercial aviation, but to do that the first thing would be to finish school. I don’t know if I like the army well enough to stay in it after the war or not, but it really isn’t a bad life in peace time.
We have been flying pretty steady since I have been back. The weather has been pretty nasty. The other day I had to come in under an 800′ overcast. It wasn’t bad because I was able to sneak in under it down the valley and fly up to Salinas. Something like that is pretty bad when you have to come down through it.

This covers about everything. I am certainly glad that Dad feels different than he did. Tell him I didn’t write him the other night that I called him but am sending him a letter tomorrow night to Greenville.
Give the kids a kiss for me.
With Love, Tom