Sun. night
15 Oct. 44

Dear Folks
I really don’t know what to write, I have an awful lot on my mind but no way to express it. Did Zoe call you? What’s wrong with Dad? He won’t answer my letters. Just what is it, after doing a man’s job for 2 yrs, I am still not capable of making a decision. What I’d like to know is do you think Dad would give his consent to Zoe and I getting married? I don’t want to do anything to hurt Dad but he can make things so difficult. He has alot of things against Zoe, I wish he could see how some of the other girls of the day behave. There isn’t any need to go into that. If you can help me out on afew of these questions I’d really appreciate it.

I started flying again Wed. and got to complete 4 camera missions this week. That consists of dog fighting with another plane and then checking your film to see if you would have shot him down. It is the kind of flying that is hard on fighter pilots as they are usually rocking the plane around agood bit and blacking out every once in awhile. An hour of this flying is enough in one day. My cold is slowly getting better but can’t seem to get rid of the cough.
One of my buddies that I graduated with and was with me till we hit Lemoore had a pretty rough time yesterday. He came here from Lemoore about 3 wks. ago. [1]Kenneth D. McConnell, flying P-70A-2 No. 42-54105. Aircraft crashed and was written off October 15, 1944 at Salinas AAF, Salinas, California.

Yesterday he was flying a P70 when both engines quit. He bailed out at about 1500′ and no sooner did his chute open than he hit the ground, needless to say pretty hard. He is expected to pull through but is in pretty bad shape. They don’t know what happened unless he got a vapor lock in his fuel line when he switched tanks. He had only had about 2 hrs. in the plane which made it alittle rough.
Say Stan, I saw a good football game in Salinas Fri. night. Salinas Junior College and Hollister J.C. Talk about trick plays those boys really had them. There is another one this coming weekend that we want to see. How did N.U. [2]Northwestern University, Tom’s alma mater and Ill[3]University of Illinois, Stan’s alma mater do this weekend? I wasn’t able to find it in the paper out here.
How is Karen and Tom? I would probably be able to tell a big change in Tom even after just a couple of weeks. Can you tell yet about his eyes, brown or blue? Give them both a kiss for me.
Enough for now – Goodnight
Love, Tom