Tues. night

Hello Folks,
Received your letter this morning and didn’t see any reason for not answering it tonight. It sounded as if your vacation after we left was just about as full as the first part. From what Dad said Karen and Tom were none the worse for the whole trip. However, I imagine it was sort of a relief for you folks to get back. You still had about a week of vacation after you did get back didn’t you? I made things just right, got here with just 3 hr. to spare which was pretty good timing for coming 2/3 of the way across the country. I did have a swell time. I wish you could have helped me pick out Zoe’s ring but there really wasn’t much to it. I have even forgotten what it looks like myself now. It was white and had a rock in the center I know. Before I forget, Zoe’s number it Fairfax 0970 . address: 7343 S. Ridgeland, Chicago 49, Apt. #3.
I guess you have heard from Dad that we are thinking about getting married. I don’t know if Dad thought I got engaged for just a big joke or not but in his first letter he starts talking about engagements that have been broken for the good of all concerned, and all the things that are wrong with Zoe.

I know Zoe isn’t perfect but I do know that I would rather be with her than anyone I know, and you can’t say I haven’t looked around. Maybe getting married now isn’t the wisest thing in the world to do, but bigger mistakes have been made. Let me know what you actually think about it. Straight from the shoulder, maybe I won’t agree with everything but lets have it anyway.
I think you know that I will be here another month. More gunnery. At the present I am grounded because of a cold, hope to get cleared by Thurs.
We have been playing alittle bridge but my game can still do with some improvement. It took us abut an hour and ahalf to get one game finished so you can tell what kind of hands we were getting. They really have some sharpies around here – however, they have been here since 1942 + will be here for the duration, playing the game. I still claim there are more 4F’s[2]4F = medically not qualified to serve in the armed forces in the army than in civilian life. however, most of these fellows are just plain old goldbrickers. To them the war stopped when they got in uniform. Enough on this subject, one of them is sitting right beside me and the more I think about it the madder I get. Give K.+ T. a kiss for Uncle Tom. Goodnight. –
With love,
Hope you can read this.