Dr. Cartmell’s handwriting is difficult to read and sometimes impossible. In other letters Dr. Cartmell copied, when I could compare his copy to the original, he often would change spelling, syntax and pacing. He would modify punctuation, and sometimes leave out words or sentences.
Tom describes more of his training in the B-25 medium bomber and notes that on completion of this transition training, he will be fully qualified as a B-25 pilot and could be used for that purpose. But he also thinks the Air Force needs night fighter pilots more than B-25 pilots, so more likely he’ll continue his training to become a night fighter pilot.

Dear Dad-
Just got back from the movie house on the base. We got off today so I really got caught up on some sleep. I was going to take the train to Berkeley this aft but the sleep felt better. I and another boy went into Sacramento and had dinner last night, and then came back and spent the rest of the evening in the Officers Club. I got to bed about 1 and got up about 1 this afternoon, just in time to get to the mess hall before it closed. They really have a nice Officers Club here + it is just about a block from our B.O.Q.[1]BOQ = Bachelor Officers Quarterswhich makes it handy.
Mort went home last night, he wanted me to go along with him but I know I would not be able to get much rest so I decided I would wait till a later time, his train will get into Sacramento at 12 tonight.

We start flying in the afternoon again on Monday which means alittle more sleep in the morning but also working longer at night. I think we start night flying a week from tonight. They have 2 night shifts, one from 6 pm till midnight and one from midnight until 6 am. Then you got to ground school from 7 to 11. This will last about 3 weeks, then it won’t be long till we pull out. I rc’d your letter + really was swell to hear from you and receive the pictures. They are all good and I am certainly glad of the fairly sharp _______so good. To answer your questions: when we go up there has to be 2 in the plane and on training flights such as these , not over 4 – when you go solo you take some one along to act as co-pilot, and when your instructor goes up he usually takes 2 students with him. On one cross country the other day we took along a crew chief so that he could get in his flying time and draw his flight pay he was a corporal, ________ are really interesting. We passed one ______ off to the plane’s right so low that the people standing on the platform could actually see the cockpit.

We were not supposed to get than 200 feet above the ground which made it a little bad, especially with all the mountains we had to go over. They all had snow on them and most of them weren’t up to 7 or 8 thousand feet. Coming back we landed at Reno, but didn’t stay long, because we did not need any gas or servicing. ________200 miles ____, all the way there and back, wen you get down on the deck you really realize that you are moving along. It all helps to build up confidence in yourself and the plane.

The way things look now we will complete all of our training here in Calif. but I have hopes, and don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t be able to get home at least once more before going across. However the way things stand you just can’t tell what will happen; if they need B-25 pilots all of a sudden it could be that we would go out after finishing this training for we would be qualified for that work. Personally I don’t think that that could of happen, because from all reports they need night fighters alot worse than bomber pilots. We hear so many reasons that you can’t believe any of them. From the sound of Steve’s letter that Elaine sent me he must have been in some pretty tight places. I’ll send it as soon as I write him.
Well there is not really much more news so I will sign off. Give the folks my love and see to it that I get that telegram soon notifying me that D-day has arrived
With Love
Tell Cleda I rc’d her letter + was glad that the things arrived, and good _____on her understanding of ______ for the stamps. I was down to my last two.

↑1 | BOQ = Bachelor Officers Quarters |