Dear Folks, (everyone in Chicago)
The letter writing time that we did have in the evenings has disappeared and at the present time haven’t had any free time to put in its place. I have just a few minutes before going to the flt. line tonight. We just got back from PT and will be flying till about 3:00 AM. tomorrow. I got to bed this morning about 3:30 and had to be in ground school at 12:30 which doesn’t give much time when we have to eat also. This will last for two weeks so my letter writing might be even worse than it has been. Night flying is coming along O.K., tonight I have to go on an instrument night cross-country of about 5 hrs. in length. It shouldn’t be very hard because all it is is riding the air-way beam from one place to another. All I did Sun. night and last night was shoot landings, after you get on to them they are easier than in the day because usually the air is alot more stable and not much cross-wind to fight. The thing that is a bother in the night is wearing )2 masks all the time. There is a new order out that on all night flights O2 must be used from the ground up It is to help your eyesight.

I went home with Mort B. Sat. night and we came back Sun. afternoon. Had a swell time and went and had breakfast with Kay and her husband Sun. morning. Elaine, they said to tell all you folks hello. They were quite surprised to get such an early report on the new member. They lived only three blocks from the Blaisdell’s. They have a nice apt. but are going to have to move and they can’t find a place. We had quite a breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon, rolls, coffee, grapefruit, etc. Larry had to go to work at 11:00 in Frisco. Our train left at 2:00 that afternoon and got back here about 4:30. The Blaisdell’s really have a nice home, it is up on the side of the hill overlooking the bay. You can see the Goldgate, San Franciso, Oakland Bay bridge, Treasure Island, Alcatraz and the ocean. You could see everyplace we had been when we were there at the pier.
Dad I received your letter and also the air mails, thanks alot. The telegram covered just about everything and thanks for sending that also. I hope everything is still coming along so well.

I sent you folks some pictures today, I sent one of the small one’s because I didn’t know how much room you had. Hope they are satisfactory.
About the chances of my getting a leave before going across, I don’t know for certain but I’d say I should be able to.
The war news is sounding pretty good, I certainly don’t see how Germany can hold out on so many fronts for so very long, however, we still have the Japs to deal with and I am afraid they are going to have to be burned out.
Well I’ll add a short note to this when I get back.
(3:00 A.M. Wed.)
Just got back; was in the air 5 hrs + 40 min. half of which was 1st pilot time. Took instrument cross country to Chico, Williams, Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, Fresno, and back to Mather about 1200 mi. all total.
I am pretty tired so had better hit the sack.
I am still waiting for more news about Mama and son. Goodnight or Goodmorning –
With love,