
Dear Folks,
I hope you are not too disquieted with me for not having written sooner, but it seems like letter pick up so fast that you are defeated before you even get started.
Elaine, is everything proceeding OK, and how do you feel? Stan, don’t you forget to let U. Tom know when he can start shouting again. I’ll be thinking of you.
It really was swell to have Boyd and Bill up for dinner Sun. I don’t believe Boyd or I either one dreamed that we would be in uniform when we were together a couple of years ago. It seemed sort of strange seeing him in a navy uniform.

I received a letter from Wilma, and she had gotten the purse and your letter. She seemed quite thrilled over both of them, wish you could meet her someday.

I got rid of my last wisdom tooth Mon. afternoon and I must admit that this one wasn’t any too pleasant. It was full grown and had come in against the molar and had not broken through the gum. He had to dig it out and then stitch up my gum. They took the stitches out this afternoon and believe it or not, it seems to be all healed up now. They took me off flying for two days but will be able to go up again tomorrow, I feel OK now.
We are still on a 14 hr. day schedule and getting up at 4:30. The P.T. is plenty rough here, you would think we were going to run all the way to Berlin instead of fly there. Once every week we have to run 3½ miles which I definitely don’t care for. The other days we have calesthenics and games, very little of the latter.
One thing I like here is that we haven’t been flying on Sun. Ever since we had left primary we have been on a 7 day a week schedule so it seems alittle more human now.
They are getting in some cadets here on the 24th so I guess they will start cracking down on us and make us shining examples of what to be, so far we have been doing just about as we please.
If we don’t fly this weekend I am going to Berkeley with Mort and I’ll see Kay. I am going to call them tomorrow night and see if they are going to be home.
As you can see they have changed our address. Tell Dad I received a letter from Ernie Burgess today and their course at Randolf last 1 month and if he makes it OK he will go back to Luke as an instructor.
Elaine, I’ll be thinking of you especially on the 14th, I guess that day is beginning to mean more and more to you each year, and rightly it should.
Goodnight –
With love,