As I think I told you in my last letter we didn’t get passes this weekend. I got 11½ hours of sleep last night and I am still sleepy. I have decided to forget all about trying to catch up on the hours I have lost.
We had our last parade this afternoon which doesn’t make any of us feel very sad. According to all reports we don’t have them at primary. Tomorrow we have a track meet in the morning and supposedly the afternoon free. However I’ll give anyone odds that we drill. Our C.O. has been in a hell of a mood lately. He thinks the squadron is “off the ball” and consequently he is making life alittle hard.

We received our grad average today and I had a 90. Code and aircraft pulled me down because I only got an 80 in both of them. Physics and math helped a lot because I got a 98 in math and a 97 in Physics. The rest were all around the 90 mark. We also received our marksmanship medals today for the .45 cal. pistol. Our sqd. broke the rqange record by having the highest scores of any sqd. yet. That kept our Captain happy for awhile.
Honey, from all indications our primary might not be in Arizona, so don’t make any traveling plans yet. We have been hearing that we might go to a primary up near Fresno.
I imagine your finals are just about over by now. How does it feel to be graduating? With all your education I’ll begin to feel inferior, and they say thats bad.
Honey, do you know that it has been over 7 mos. since I have seen you? That is longer than its ever been. I thought those 2 or 3 mo. spaces between vacations at school were long but that doesn’t even compare with this. It will take at least 2 weekends to make up for all that lost time. Don’t you agree?
Goodnight –
With all my love,